Sofia Ayalde
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020


Will Covid-19 increase technological advances and automation in business?

Covid-19 is changing the way the world works, it has put us through a crisis in which we’ve had to adapt and re-organize ourselves, from working in the office face to face to working from home communicating through online platforms and manners. Now the virus outbreak has forced business leaders to rethink better more efficient means of facilitating routine business activities. It has been very tough but it has allowed us to see that we are capable of more than we imagined and it seems that working patterns established during the Covid-19 outbreak might have some role in future business models.

Lots of companies have traditionally been afraid of implementing new technologies and innovating in their day to day processes, often because they believe it is going to be very hard to adapt to this change because it can be expensive or they simply never took the time to find out how to do this. But, this virus has taught us that these changes are not as complicated as we thought, on the contrary automating the way we work can help us to be more effective, save time and even reduce human labor or other types of costs.

It is up to us if this type of change will only be temporary or if we want to keep applying them when this crisis goes away. As companies have more free time than usual, a great option to spend it is analyzing the best ways to increase automation in their processes that used to be manual. Utilizing different technologies and being part of worldwide networks, such as blockchain networks, will allow companies to reach different goals and grow their business. How? Every company has its different objectives and targets but technology as a whole can be perfect for your business if you are looking to:

  • Reduce your turnaround time to customers
  • Reduce your costs
  • Connect to new customers
  • Find information easier and faster
  • Increase the transparency of the data you receive and share
  • Be a pioneer in innovation in your industry
  • Diversify your portfolio
  • Reach new markets
  • Collaboration within your industry

The background screening industry has definitely been affected by the virus outbreak, but crisis moments also present opportunities. This is an industry that has not suffered many technological advances since it started, it is very traditional and manual, but right now is the perfect moment for the industry players to implement a more sophisticated and flexible use of technology. Collaboration between background screening providers through technological platforms will be key to maintain the quality and effectiveness of the verifications they make. Why? Usually, it was very normal that background screeners obtained information by going personally to the source, they would go in person to the university, company, etc. But with this outbreak personal contact is not possible and it is thought that this trend of avoiding personal contact will go on after the crisis ends. This is why in order for background screening providers to find the information they will need to rely more than ever on online or technological platforms, in this way they will make sure to deliver to their customers a trustworthy verification in the lowest time possible.

To conclude, the fear companies have had regarding technology is fading away as this virus is increasing. It is the perfect opportunity to let us see that we have an exceptional tool in front of us to improve the way we work, to help us reduce costs, satisfy our customers and be much more effective, and we were not using it or paying the right amount of attention to those who told us about it, just because we were afraid of change. Change is always good, it brings opportunities and an incredible amount of benefits when done right. We encourage you to take the opportunity in front of your eyes and choose the best technological approaches to help your company overcome its challenges and reach the next level.

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