Arielle & Ned’s Daily Tips…Podcast: What The Show Gets So Right
TikTok is infamous for numerous tropes — people dancing like the Houghs to a popular song such as Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees, Ridiculous sovereign citizen police stops, Karens gone wild, and, of course, comedians proving they’re not woke with the most outrageous jokes that often sacrifice wit for wildness.
Then we have the life lessons, life hacks, and daily tips. So many. Too many. After watching hours of these lessons / hacks /tips, I’m convinced that WD-40 can solve our renewable energy crisis, eliminate all credit card debt, and resolve the Middle East crisis. Apparently, WD-40 can do almost…well, everything.
This article airs my gripes with some of these life lesson, life hack, daily tip posts, sites, and shows, and offers an engaging outlet for those fascinated by such arcane and useful knowledge.
Let me start with the glass half full. Positivity, right?
In December 2023, a new podcast launched, “Arielle and Ned’s Daily Tips That May Or May Not Help You.” Right away, I liked this concept. No pretentiousness such as some sites or shows with titles like, “Life Hacks That Will Save Your Life” Or “Secret Life Lessons That Only You Will Know After Reading, Liking, and Reviewing With Five Stars” in this article.