Multispective Podcast: The Two Sides Of Every Life Story

Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2024


In today’s extreme partisan world, how unique is it to have a podcast that is about multiple perspectives? Consider how in today’s U.S. politics, elected officials are castigated for compromising with the other party.

In today’s societies around the world, we see only one side — our side. Jennica Sadhwani wanted to do something about that myopic view of our world and its people.

Multispective is a podcast that started in January 2022. It’s a show worth your ear time because it enables listeners to follow…



Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy

I am a South Jersey-based writer who manages Podcast Reports on Blogger and have a book available on Amazon about podcasts and podcasting called “Ear Worthy.”