New ‘Rapaport’s Reality’ Podcast Takes On Reality TV

Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2024


People love to make fun of Reality TV. And let’s be honest. There is a lot to make fun of. However, Reality TV does generate ratings, and, most important for networks and production companies, is cheap to produce.

Of course, there is no shortage of people desperately fighting for their 15 minutes of fame, or more likely, infamy. The most ironic part of Reality TV is that these shows are further from reality than fictional dramas. They invent reality by juicing up conflicts into major conflagrations. They are like wrestling without the ropes…



Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy

I am a South Jersey-based writer who manages Podcast Reports on Blogger and have a book available on Amazon about podcasts and podcasting called “Ear Worthy.”