The Question Of Ukraine Funding On The Latest Open To Debate Podcast

Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Photo by Алесь Усцінаў

The question of Ukraine funding hits at the core of what America wants to be now and in the future. Are we returning to the isolationism before World War II or fighting against the tyranny of dictators, demagogues, and enemies of personal liberty?

The new episode of the nonpartisan debate series Open to Debate (formerly known as Intelligence Squared U.S.), in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations, is a debate on the question “Should Congress Stop Funding the War in Ukraine?”

Arguing YES are political scientist John Mearsheimer, a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and retired Lieutenant Colonel Daniel L. Davis, awarded two Bronze Stars during his 21-year service in the U.S. Army. They argue the war is unwinnable for Ukraine and continuing aid diverts necessary resources that could go toward domestic priorities, such as curbing immigration. They also question whether the funds are being used efficiently and whether providing military aid is genuinely contributing to a path toward peace.

Arguing NO are German Marshall Fund president Heather Conley, who has also held positions at the American National Red…



Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy

I am a South Jersey-based writer who manages Podcast Reports on Blogger and have a book available on Amazon about podcasts and podcasting called “Ear Worthy.”