The TED Tech & Climate Podcasts: Part Of The Sonic Collection For The Curious

Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy
Published in
6 min readMay 14, 2024


TED Talks have a brand, and an impressive one at that. These “talks” are smart people saying smart things that other people either haven’t noticed, have misinterpreted, or have ignored. In a way, it’s a similar brand to Freakonomics, although with a disparate stylistic manner. On Freakonomics, the diagnosis or solutions to an issue are discussed and challenged. TED Talks are inspiring, yet one-way, monologues.

How about a collection of podcasts for those not trapped by confirmation bias, meandering into misinformation, and shackled to conventional wisdom?

The TED Audio Collective is a collection of podcasts for the curious. They’re for listeners as excited by psychology and design as science and technology — who want to dig deep into today’s most exciting ideas.

Their hosts range from TED speakers with viral TED Talks to veteran podcast producers, doctors, and academics. What do all of our hosts have in common? They explore big ideas, foster debate, and inspire change on a global scale. The TED Audio Collective includes podcasts like TED Talks Daily, How to Be a Better Human, Conversations with People Who Hate Me, and more.

In this article, we’ll look at two of this TED Collective podcasts — TED Tech and TED Climate. First, there are as many technology podcasts as there are stars in the night sky. Yet, technology is such an expansive topic, you can make the argument that the sheer number of “tech”…



Frank Racioppi
Ear Worthy

I am a South Jersey-based writer who manages Podcast Reports on Blogger and have a book available on Amazon about podcasts and podcasting called “Ear Worthy.”