My Earliest Childhood Memory

It’s a Touch Ironic, Honestly

Jimmy Misner Jr.
Earliest Childhood Memories


Photo by Idzard Schiphof on Unsplash

My earliest memory as a child was when I was about 4 years old. There isn’t a whole lot to it but I’ll share what I can. I find it a bit interesting and even a little ironic, considering the path I ended up taking.

Let’s start off by shouting out Jasmine Aguilar. She started this cool publication to give people somewhere to talk about their early childhood memories. Check out this link to the page where you can join if you want to share your childhood memories in her publication! I just think cool ideas like this should be supported!

The earliest memory I have was when I was 4 years old, or thereabouts. I was shirtless, as I often was when I was a young child. It was a Sunday morning and my older sister was going to church. She was 5 or 6, which meant she was old enough to go.

As a little background, my mom and dad were both believers but weren’t active followers. They never went to church themselves. The only reason my siblings and I went was that a woman, whose name I don’t remember, would pick us up and…



Jimmy Misner Jr.
Earliest Childhood Memories

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!