Milestone Updates: Series #5

Early-stage News is a platform to discover milestones, articles, and interviews highlighting early-stage startups and side-projects

Early-stage News
Early-stage News
1 min readAug 11, 2018


coHounder now has 30 founders seeking a co-founder

Scoreboard — a new way to weigh and on decide which idea to focus on (new launch)

Boo Metrics is now accepting early-access sign-ups

Themes For App has reached over 1000 subscribers

Raaft added Braintree integration

Developer Lottery is selling tickets to this month’s lottery

The first issue of JavaScript Newsletter by Pablo Rosales was sent

PaybackHub got its first user

Ranked hit over 2000 monthly clients

Cryptoboard created an integration with Steemit

Owwly — Design hub that brings all creative portfolios together (new launch)

Vocal — Send feedback to your local businesses (new launch)

ScraperAPI got its first paying users

PyPRI (Private python package repository) added 2 new pricing tiers

Jack (bespoke insurance for freelance creatives) surpassed £100,000 of premium written

PDFShift got its first paying customer

1000 links saved on Mailist and 20 links saved on average, every day

Newsletter Spacedoo has over 100 subscribers in 2 weeks since launch

HTTP Toolkit — HTTP proxy, analyzer and client for Windows, Linux & Mac (new launch)

Working on an early-stage startup or a side-project? Celebrate your little wins

