Lucie Zaccari
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2019


How You Can Encouraging The Right Mindset For A Tuned In Workplace

The companies who drive change and adapt are the ones who will have a competitive edge.

There will always be companies that hang on to old working structures. Today is more than putting people in jobs.

The mindset is more than simply having someone fill an empty desk. The time has now come to equip businesses to make the change to flexibility in their employment practices.

Let’s look at re-evaluating our working mindsets.

Where Can Employers Go Wrong?

When looking for a driven and dedicated mindset, it is easy for employers to slip up and make some common mistakes. You can’t expect your workforce to know how to behave if they have been given little or no guidance. Angela Piromalli, MD for Rise, strongly believes in empowering employees as a way of improving attitudes.

Angela states, “You need to identify the right mentality in an employee but also find out what an employee needs from you. It is the employer’s job to enable someone to be their best.

“Businesses have a more collaborative approach now, so taking everyone’s needs into consideration is essential.”

Appreciating everyone’s value in a company doesn’t necessarily have to come across in pay. From simply heading a side project or having more flexible time by job sharing (something that doesn’t impact cost for the company), employees stay happy and hand in hand continue to work to their fullest capability.

Flexibility Within Your Work

With work taking up a significant amount of your week, being flexible within that is fundamental to having a positive view of your job. For instance, Fleur Cook, Marketing Marketing within Rise has taken on responsibility for the 2019 Rock Star Awards. This provides others with a sense of leadership and more importantly ownership, within their contracted hours. Just because you have a job title does not mean you should be doing the same routine every day of the week.

Not only does wider responsibility keep you intrigued, but it can also bring credibility, confidence and pride in that you are working to create something entirely yours. Being given responsibility within the company keeps employees happy, and that passion alongside responsibility draws the team closer together:

Angela says, “All our employees should have flexibility too. You should trust the people you work with and decide your priorities.”

“If someone is late to work, it does not matter. We know the same people would voluntarily stay late at the weekend if they needed to. Having the right people with the right values is essential.”

Having The Right Values And Bringing Them Into The Workplace

If everyone in the workplace has a common collective goal, things fall into place.

Toni Taylor, Rise Office Manager stated, “If a business instills no trust in the people they are working with and people do not work together, things will not run smoothly.”

“Taking on that new and fresh way of seeing a business as a community means it is more likely to succeed. Businesses who see people are commodities will be the ones who will fail.”

“This isn’t just a job. It’s a career. It is give and take on both ends — the more you put in the more we give you back and vice versa.”

Within Rise, we believe that the nature of a person comes first, as skillset can always be learnt. Recruiting wise, attitude comes before experience.

On an organisational side, we are seeing this in abundance with the quality of the applicants for the 2019 Rock Star Awards, not just those who have made it to the final stages, but the majority of people who applied this year.

Behind The Curtain Of The Workplace

Learning more about the people behind a company can tell a thousand stories. With our up and coming ThinkTank initiative, we want to look more into the people and find out how different work methods impact stress and wellbeing. This will provide us with data to improve ourselves and companies around us.

Seeing what makes our employees the best versions of themselves, we can build towards a happier and more productive workforce. We are always looking for new companies to get involved too.

Knowing how to not only attract but keep staff is fundamental to a good working attitude too, and with that mindset comes longevity in that career path.

Communication is of the utmost importance, and in maintaining a good relationship with colleagues does not always have to be work related — you are allowed to talk about non-work matters, and build a strong relationship. Virtues and values interchange in all aspects of life.

Let’s Conclude

When the employer and employee mindset is right, things fall into place.

Being surrounded by others who care about you past the working day makes a significant difference in working life.

Gone are the days of traditional office small-talk and solely searching for skillsets, we are welcoming with open arms a more fluid and friendly work environment where people feel valued. Let’s tread this new path together.

If you would like to come onboard our ThinkTank programme, where we will test new working models intended on having an impact on you and your business, then step forward with us in our pilot programme. Let’s rise together. To find out a bit more email

