Starting With Discovery

We begin most projects with a preliminary discovery phase

The Earlyblog
2 min readDec 14, 2016


It’s worth sharing that we don’t often provide exact full-build price estimates (so-called “fixed bids”) or enumerate every technical specification during our pre-sale consultation process. Instead, we propose that clients engage with us in a Discovery Phase, an introductory period focused on research, design, and deeper technical analysis. The size of each Discovery Phase varies based on the size of the anticipated engagement, but is typically quoted at around 10% of the expected build price and takes anywhere from 2 to 6 working weeks, depending on the scale and scope of the project opportunity.

Just like a complete production effort, there are deliverables in a Discovery Phase too, usually centered around the type of challenge being addressed. In the past, this has included interface wireframes, interactive prototypes, data architecture diagrams, userflow and business process maps, technical assessments of proposed integrations, and in some cases, market analysis or competitive strategy research.

Proposed in advance of the phase with a brief Statement of Work, these deliverables ensure clients receive valuable assets while we fully gather requirements, reach a more precise build cost figure, and generate more detailed plans for construction, implementation, and testing.

Why do it this way? It’s similar to working with an architect prior to having a building constructed. Without complete planning, like a blueprint, production efforts can be highly inefficient and vulnerable to delays and cost overruns from unforeseen risks. Plenty of firms present clients with a firm up-front quote, but our experiences have taught us how these bids are often padded with extra budget to hedge against uncertainty, or are just outright wrong. Gartner, a major industry analyst, estimates that roughly two-thirds of enterprise IT projects are late or never completed. Always wanting to be the exception to these statistics (and improve the reputation of our field), we use the Discovery Phase as a way to reach leaner, more rigorous estimates, incorporating the assigned production team sooner than they might otherwise be involved.

Have questions about Discovery Phases or other aspects of our service processes? Reach out to us on Twitter or contact us directly at



The Earlyblog

Chicago-based developer of custom cloud and mobile software, emphasizing solutions for smarter business operations. Learn more at