Song Stories: Dance Along

A look into the songwriting process of the First Light EP

Early Hours
3 min readOct 23, 2016


Sometimes all it takes to create a little spark is a change of scenery.

Around the time Dance Along was written, we moved to a new rehearsal space in an old theatre. We set up all our instruments on the stage, fired up some of the stage lighting, and then just jammed the song out over and over again.

Benson hanging out at the old theatre

The song just poured out of us. On the day we finished it we invited some of our mates to come check out the space, and we played the new tunes for them.

At that time in our lives, we were exploring the ideas around expression and individuality, specifically around being shy to be yourself or trying to impress someone. Dance Along starts out with this introverted guitar pattern, but over the course of the song it starts to expand outwards. By the end it just explodes with energy and vibrancy.

Benson: I think Jake captured this well with the lyrics, which tell a story about connecting with people who make you feel comfortable being yourself.

To us, dancing is an amazing way to express yourself, because it takes place through body language — something that everyone worldwide can understand. We found that idea extremely honest and liberating, so we invented this story about someone who is too shy to dance, but finds this other person that makes them want to just go for it.

“My heavy heart might weigh me down, but it stops sinking when you’re around…”

Jake: This is one of my favourite lines I’ve ever come up with — I’m always searching for love lines that are simple yet have never been written before…

Musically the song is a little unusual, as it seems to fade away after the bridge. During one of our theatre jam sessions Jake started singing “it’s alright if you want to dance along”. He was convinced that it didn’t fit the tune, but Adam suggested we just add it on as an ending. The song kicks back in, and we all have one last spontaneous dance party.

Jake: Writing with Adam never ceases to thrill and surprise me, because there have been so many times in the past few years where things like this have happened. On a musical level, nothing is off limits...

Dance Along is all about finding people that let you be yourself and dance without care, and we hope the song enables everyone who hears it to do just that.

Listen to our First Light EP now on Spotify, Apple Music or Deezer.

