5 Ideas to DOUBLE Your Blog Traffic using Social Media

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4 min readJun 16, 2018

I have come across some stupid mistakes people keep on doing in Social Media Publishing.

If you are not familiar with “How Social Media Plan works” and “How it can turn your idea into the money earning machine”, I recommend you to read this — How to write successful Social Media Plan?

So here it goes. Have you ever experienced that, despite of having 10K Facebook page fans / 2K personal (really?) friends / Connections on your Facebook/ LinkedIn profile, your blog is not getting enough traffic from those sites ?

Has it ever happened that, even if you are having 1K genuine followers on Twitter / Instagram, your article publishing could not make it thru?

If yes, then this is the article for you. These are the 10 Tips which will not only increase the traffic from Social Media sites, but also would inspire the people to engage more and more to your Blog.

  • Publish to a specific Audience –

This seems very simple as well as easy but is an important one. Even if you are having many page fans or followers, are you sure that all of them are really interested OR care about your latest blog post? Certainly NOT.

Then what is the solution for this? Well, you have to create circles based on the interests of your social network.

Let’s say, for publishing a good Affiliate Marketing article, I would prefer an Affiliate Marketing LinkedIn Group having 50K members OR some similar Facebook Group.

In short, you have to find right audience — let it be minimal — and throw your content to them.

  • Publishing Time really maters (A LOT!) –

Yes this one is tricky. You might have friends from different time-zones. Also, there might be the case where most of your friends are active during a specific time slot.

In this case, you have to first figure out, “The Preferred Time” to publicize your post. Let’s say for a well written researched post, preferred time may be 11 o’clock in the morning. As most of people just reached office and are in comparatively fresh (?) mood. It is more likely to engage them to your post. While for another listing or news or fund type of post, the evening time is good. (Now don’t ask why)

You can also consider saving your most quality posts to publish into weekends or holidays.

  • Asking for a feedback is always good –

I have seen the people who just publish their posts and then sit relaxed in their rounding chairs. Well, it is good for a Blog which is getting 10K unique views daily. But still, you have to see whether your post is performing well in Social Media (by clicks, likes, Shares, comments etc.)

You might have to be active for couple of hrs once your post is out. That can be in terms of Replying to comments, Asking your friends to re-share the post in their groups (Believe me, there is nothing wrong in it!), or asking for a general feedback about the post or about the Blog. Sometimes, a simple 2 liners feedback from unknown person may change the way you were thinking about your post!

  • Use the punctuation properly –

Well this is not a major one but yet can make a big difference if understood properly. Study shows that, Posts with #Hashtags, !Exclamatory, ?Question marks perform way better than just the ordinary posts titles.

So you might as well can figure out the Focus word from your title to hashtag it, or find out the tone of your post to use “?” or “!” wisely.

  • A single picture is more than 100 words –

Although you might wondering that I am explaining the usage of media, why am I not using the one? But, this is to show only the tips and tricks that might work in your social media publishing.

So coming to the point, instead of writing 50 words and then pasting a Blog post link, you can create one excellent image that shows the essence of your post and then paste a link. Number of good tools are available to create such quality images — worth to mention ‘Photoshop’.

By the way, few blogging platforms already provide thumbnails while publishing your posts like WordPress. It automatically find out the features image and then paste the thumbnail size into the publishing post.

Also, there are some quick notes, I thought, would be helpful to you –

  • Using emotions J into your posts
  • Paste original post link instead of shortening it (NO goo.ly please)
  • Using Photo album instead of a single photo (Align this to #5)
  • Posting YouTube video of a similar content
  • Frequently Re-tweet your post along with user handles

Yes. This is it for now. Hope this points will work for you.

Is there anything that I’ve missed here? Let me know in comments section.

Originally published at www.earningdreams.com on June 16, 2018.

