Earnings Reveal | Write For us, Everyone is Welcome
There's a pub for the 30-day Medium challenge, why shouldn't there be one dedicated to Earning Reveals?
Welcome to Earnings Reveal. This pub is a place where you can share your earnings on Medium on a month-by-month and yearly basis. We welcome all writers, the only thing we ask is that you share your earnings!
The way it works is you write and make your earnings reveal for each month like you normally do, and then submit it to Earnings Reveal!
Earning reveals are not limited to Medium earnings only. Feel free to share earnings reveals about your total monthly earnings.
The goal of the publication
The goal of this pub is to make a place where writers and readers can applaud each other for their success and share how their journey on Medium is going.
Interested in being a part of Earnings Reveal?
Type your Medium username in the comments and you will be added as a writer!
We ask that each earnings reveal be related to one month. E.g “My earnings for October.” We also allow yearly total earning reveals. E.g “my total earnings for 2021”