Hello $EARNM 👀 | November Community Update

William Ryan
EARNM Loyalty Ecosystem
15 min readNov 10, 2023

We are thrilled to unveil our November update, marking the transformation from EARNFT NETWORK to → EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem.

This change signifies our expanded vision and renewed focus on an integrated web2 and web3 community. The update delves into the essence of our rebranding, the evolution of $EARNM Token, the introduction of EARN’M Mystery Boxes, and the metamorphosis of our NFT collection. This update is packed with essential insights and exciting revelations. Let’s dive in!

From EARNFT NETWORK to EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem

We’re excited to announce a significant evolution in our journey. EARNFT NETWORK is now rebranded as EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem. This change isn’t just in name but reflects our broadened vision and commitment to pioneering an integrated digital asset community. The transition to EARN’M marks a strategic shift in our focus on fostering a more holistic loyalty ecosystem. This rebranding reflects our desire to create a more interconnected and rewarding experience for our users, blending the worlds of crypto assets and loyalty incentives.

A True Mobile Rewards Network

In our introspection on the true essence of our value proposition, we realized that the name “EARNFT” fell short of capturing the full spectrum of what the network participants truly gain. Our vision transcends the realm of digital assets; we are not just offering tokens and NFTs — we are providing a gateway to different tangible benefits.

Our focus has shifted towards delivering a comprehensive rewards package: first of all, a versatile mobile rewards currency; then, access to a variety of real-world rewards; and lastly, the opportunity to unlock an array of additional assets through our network of partners. This holistic approach to offering meaningful rewards spurred our transition to EARN’M — a name that resonates with our commitment to delivering real value in our users’ everyday lives.

EARN’M Product Transformation

The EARN’M dApp and Mystery Boxes

As we edge closer to the launch of our EARN’M dApp, our commitment to innovation and user experience continues to steer our journey forward. Since our last update, the team has hit remarkable milestones, translating our vision into tangible progress.

Here’s our latest demo of the EARN’M dApp

Finalization of Key Development Phases

Our developers have been working tirelessly, and we’re thrilled to announce that the frontend design and development of the EARN’M dApp have been finalized, boasting a user-friendly interface and robust functionality. The smart contract functionalities that form the backbone of our dApp are now complete, offering seamless and secure transactions.

Integration and Testing Success

We’ve successfully finalized all integrations with Chainlink and Polygon, leveraging their cutting-edge technology to enhance the EARN’M dApp’s capabilities. Comprehensive stress testing of the API and backend systems has been conducted, ensuring reliability and performance under heavy loads.

User-centric Research and Partnerships

Through meticulous user research within the Mode ecosystem, we’ve gained valuable insights that have informed the optimization of the dApp’s user experience. We’ve also initiated discussions with our first integration partners, setting the stage for a diverse and expansive ecosystem.

Security and Trust at the Forefront

Ensuring security is of utmost importance in the blockchain space. That is why EARN’M has partnered with Cyfrin to conduct thorough security audits of its smart contracts. Cyfrin is widely recognized as one of the top players in the industry, and our partnership with them will help ensure that the EARN’M dApp meets and exceeds industry standards.

Mystery Boxes: A New Dimension of Rewards

The logic and tiering of the Mystery Boxes have been finalized, adding an exciting and gamified element to the dApp.

The EARN’M dApp is designed to make the process of earning rewards transparent and equitable for all users. Embedded within our smart contracts are the probabilities for each tier of Mystery Box, meticulously outlined as follows:

Common Tier: With a probability of 797,944 out of 1,000,000, the Common Tier boxes are the most frequently encountered, ensuring a steady flow of rewards for our users.

Uncommon Tier: Offering an elevated chance at enhanced rewards, users have a 200,000 out of 1,000,000 likelihood of unlocking an Uncommon Tier box.

Rare Tier: The Rare Tier boxes, sitting at a chance of 2,000 out of 1,000,000, provide a delightful surprise with even more valuable rewards.

Epic Tier: At an exclusive probability of 50 out of 1,000,000, Epic Tier boxes are a treasure trove of substantial rewards.

Legendary Tier: With only 5 out of 1,000,000 chances, the Legendary Tier boxes are a coveted prize, offering rewards of significant value.

Mythical Tier: The pinnacle of rarity, the Mythical Tier, emerges with a singular chance in a million, holding the most extraordinary rewards within our ecosystem.

Our ambitious vision for the initial launch targets over 17 million Mystery Boxes, seeded amongst our vibrant community of Mode users, who are already reaping the benefits of this innovative reward system. Furthermore, as we join forces with our esteemed partners, the volume of Mystery Boxes — and thus, the opportunities for users — will surge exponentially.

These Mystery Boxes are integral to our tokenomic architecture, adhering to a precise vesting schedule that maintains the integrity and excitement of the reward system.

An embedded staking and burning mechanism ensures that, by default, all Mystery Boxes follow a vesting schedule — disincentivizing users from opening them prematurely.

To ensure fairness for all users, the rules for EARN’M Mystery Boxes must be uniform, regardless of the platform they come from. Once you receive a Mystery Code, you have 60 days to claim your Mystery Boxes on the blockchain. They will be automatically burned if you don’t claim them within this period. This helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem and prevents the loss of tokens — the funds will go back to the Treasury and be allocated to NFT holders and $EARNM stakers. 50% will also be removed from circulation to maintain the value for all participants in the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem.

As we continue to refine the EARN’M dApp, our focus remains on delivering a platform that meets and exceeds our community’s expectations. We’re on the precipice of launching a product and introducing an ecosystem where rewards, functionality, and security converge.

Our progress thus far is a testament to our team’s dedication and our community’s unwavering support. We’re confident that the EARN’M dApp will not only embody the innovative spirit of our rebranded Loyalty Ecosystem but also serve as a cornerstone for our users’ journey in the web3 space.

Stay tuned for further updates as we approach the highly anticipated launch. Your patience and support are greatly appreciated as we finalize a platform redefining digital rewards and loyalty.

Powering Rewards For Online Platforms

Meticulously crafted and integrated into your favorite platforms, EARN’M Mystery Boxes bridge the gap between routine usage and extraordinary benefits. This is how other platforms can integrate these Mystery Boxes and elevate their user interaction with digital services to a new level of rewarding engagement. Users can earn Mystery Boxes on any device, whether it’s iOS or Android, and regardless of the activities they are performing.

EARN’M & Web2 Partnerships: Enhancing Everyday Interactions

In collaboration with web2 companies, EARN’M Mystery Boxes become a part of your routine engagement with trusted brands. Imagine seamlessly earning and opening a Mystery Box while upgrading your smartphone with a renowned phone OEM, enjoying an enriched mobile experience thanks to added perks from your carrier, or unlocking exclusive features within the large apps you use daily. These perks are not just additional benefits; they are integrated into the services you already love and use, bringing a surprise reward element to your regular interactions.

EARN’M & Web3 Partnerships: Turning Network Confirmations into Congratulations

Our Web3 partnerships are just as groundbreaking, ushering in a new era of digital asset integration. While trading on Centralized or Decentralized Exchanges, engaging with NFT Marketplaces, or maximizing yield on staking platforms, EARN’M Mystery Boxes will be right there within the platforms, ready to deliver exclusive rewards.

Web3 platforms can leverage their unused sections and placements and create unique reward opportunities for their users. The transaction confirmation page, or the post-transaction message can now become a unique placement to reward the user for its interaction and engagement.

This creates a unique opportunity for both the platform and the users. Thanks to Mystery Boxes and these unique placements, platforms can generate a new income source through EARN’M Grants and deepen their relationship with the user rewarding them with a unique asset and within, the possibility to earn huge rewards backed by one of the largest rewards networks in the space.

Each Mystery Box can be a treasure trove of opportunities, meticulously crafted in partnership with the company distributing them. Whether on web2 or web3 platforms, the integration of EARN’M Mystery Boxes is smooth and user-centric.

Our partnerships ensure that EARN’M Mystery Boxes are not mere digital containers but a bridge to a spectrum of experiences. Through our integrated approach, users will encounter these rewarding Mystery Boxes naturally as they navigate their digital worlds, reinforcing our vision of a Loyalty Ecosystem where every interaction is an opportunity for reward.

The EARNFT Collection

The evolution of our NFT offerings marks a significant milestone in our journey. The former BLU3CHIP Mobile NFT Collection is stepping into a new era with a name that perfectly encapsulates its essence — the EARNFT Collection. This change is not merely cosmetic; it signifies a deeper alignment with the actual value proposition these NFTs offer. As holders of the EARNFT Collection, users don’t just own a digital asset; they actively “EARN” NFTs, which, in our ecosystem, take the form of Mystery Boxes.

The upcoming resumption of sales for the remaining unminted NFTs will be conducted through an exciting partnership, details of which will be announced in due course. This exclusive collaboration will offer a unique avenue for enthusiasts and collectors to become an integral part of the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem.

Integral to the core of our tokenomic strategy, the EARNFT Collection is poised to distribute an impressive allocation of 1 million free Mystery Boxes each month to its holders. This generous distribution not only rewards active participants in our ecosystem but also enhances the inherent value of holding a piece of the EARNFT Collection. Additionally, a percentage of the unclaimed or burned Mystery Boxes will bestow their rewards upon the EARNFT Collection holders, further fortifying the collection’s role within the tokenomics.

To display our commitment to equitable distribution, each tier of the EARNFT Collection — Bored, Mutant, Kong, Cat, Dood, Whale — will partake in the monthly allotment of Mystery Boxes. The distribution will follow a calculated structure, ensuring that every tier is appropriately rewarded:

Bored: 500,000 Mystery Boxes, with each unique NFT receiving 59.

Mutant: 160,000 Mystery Boxes, with each unique NFT receiving 111.

Kong: 140,000 Mystery Boxes, with each unique NFT receiving 126.

Cat: 60,000 Mystery Boxes, with each unique NFT receiving 540.

Dood: 40,000 Mystery Boxes, with each unique NFT receiving 3,600.

Whale: 100,000 Mystery Boxes, designated for the rarest NFTs, with the unique piece receiving all 100,000 Mystery Boxes.

The renaming of the BLU3CHIP Mobile NFT Collection to the EARNFT Collection is a deliberate step toward mirroring the active and dynamic nature of our ecosystem, where the NFTs are not just art or a collectible but a gateway to continuous rewards and engagement in the burgeoning world of web3.

The $EARNM Token

In alignment with our expansive vision for the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem, we’re excited to announce the transformation of our native token from $EARNFT to $EARNM. This rebrand reflects our evolved mission — to foster a ubiquitous rewards ecosystem and integrate seamlessly with diverse partnerships across web2 and web3 spaces.

Token Utility and Supply Structure

The $EARNM token stands at the core of our ecosystem, functioning as the conduit for reward distribution, staking, and governance across the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem. As we broaden our horizons, the utility of the $EARNM token proliferates, empowering holders with a versatile asset that operates fluidly across various partner platforms — ranging from Phone OEMs and Carriers to exchanges and dApps.

The Mystery Boxes have been a resounding success, far exceeding our expectations regarding user engagement and demand. As we prepare for a future where our platform scales globally, it is essential that we have a sufficient supply of $EARNM tokens to support the rewarding experiences our users have come to cherish. Understanding the critical nature of supply in the token economy is vital to a project’s success.

In response to the surging demand for our Mystery Boxes, we are excited to announce a strategic expansion in the $EARNM token supply to 5 billion. The imperative fuels this decision to ensure that our rapidly growing network is well-equipped with a robust token reserve to sustain the ecosystem over the long term.

We want to assure our community that this is not a dilution but a multiplication of every holder’s assets. Upon the on-chain launch of the token, every holder’s balance will be scaled by a factor of five, preserving — and indeed enhancing — the value proposition for every participant in our ecosystem.

This increase is a proactive measure to bolster the health and longevity of the ecosystem, ensuring that as our user base expands and the frequency of Mystery Box distributions rises, we are well-positioned to maintain a steady and abundant flow of rewards.

Token Generation Event (TGE) Update

The new TGE date for $EARNM is set for Q1 2024. We are working with partners to finalize terms for an exact date and a productive network launch. This is a strategic postponement from the planned date of December 12 based on the conversations with existing partners. We believe in steering our ship in favorable winds; hence, this decision was reached after carefully considering the feedback from exchanges, market makers, and our timeline to deliver the product suite required for a fruitful public launch. This rescheduling is set with the foresight to optimize conditions for a successful TGE, ensuring the most advantageous outcome for all $EARNM token holders and stakeholders. As for now, this is the updated timeline for EARN’Ms exciting launch:

December 12, 2023

  • Alpha Launch of the EARN’M dApp with full Mystery Boxes capabilities and $EARNM TGE soft launch.
  • Users can claim their Mystery Boxes on-chain, advancing their vesting periods towards TGE.
  • $EARNM tokens within Mystery Boxes won’t be available until Exchange TGE.

January 2024

  • EARNFT Collection launch in partnership with a marketplace.
  • CRNC holders snapshot

February 2024

  • $EARNM Token Generation Event, distribution, and trading starts.
  • Foundation Launch
  • Decentralized governance and token staking mechanisms available for holders.

Based on our current data, considering the average number of Mystery Boxes per user, we are preparing for an initial volume of 500,000–1,000,000 transactions per month to start. It’s important to note that as the distribution of Mystery Boxes increases, we project a proportional escalation in the number of transactions within our network.

By offering users the ability to receive Mystery Boxes in advance, we are able to generate a large enough on-chain volume, a captivating metric for future partners. This allows us to expose these users to the $EARNM token and prepare them for our exchange TGE in Q1 2024.


We want to reassure you that these adjustments are in the community’s best interest. By choosing a more propitious moment for our TGE, we are positioning the $EARNM token for a more robust entry into the market, thereby aligning with our commitment to the long-term success of the project and the maximal benefit of our community.

Addressing Potential Concerns

No Dilution: The increase to a 5 billion token supply might initially raise eyebrows, but it’s essential to underscore that there is no value dilution. The 5x token adjustment applies to all holders, ensuring your stake in the ecosystem remains the same.

Strategic TGE Timing: Some investors might perceive the TGE delay as a setback. However, we encourage our community to see this as a strategic move. The Q1 timing allows us to polish our platform, solidify partnerships, and while launching in an economic landscape conducive to our collective success.

Open Communication: We’re committed to transparency and will maintain an open line of communication with our community throughout this process. We welcome questions and feedback and pledge to provide regular updates as we move closer to the TGE.

We’re grateful for your continued support and believe that these strategic decisions will fortify the foundation of the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem for years to come. Together, we’re not just building a token — we’re building the Loyalty Ecosystem of the Internet.

Ecosystem Update

Let’s dive into some of the most relevant updates revolving around Mode Mobile and EarnOS™:

Deloitte has named Mode Mobile the fastest-growing software company in North America. Between 2019 and 2022, Mode Mobile grew by 32,481%, surpassing other companies and known projects in the web3 space.

Since our last Community Update, Mode launched and already oversubscribed their crowdfund. More than 15,000 new shareholders funded over $4,000,000.

Thanks to the initial success of this crowdfund, where Mode can raise up to $5,000,000, Mode Mobile will seek approval from the SEC for a RegA+ raise of up to $75,000,000.

Since our last update, over 600,000 extra Mystery Boxes have been distributed to users. These Mystery Boxes now contain between 2.5 and 500,000 $EARNM tokens and 100 Mode sweepstakes entries.

Mode Earn Club has now become a 7-figure ARR business, with thousands of happy customers. Remember, these users are subscription-based and can earn free Mystery Boxes, along with:

  • A free EarnPhone
  • Faster earning in EarnOS™ enabled devices & apps.
  • Unlimited Text & Talk coverage.
  • Access to an array of exciting benefits, including free and discounted products, travel tips, streaming services, legal assistance, earning opportunities, exclusive class action lawsuits, complimentary stocks, and much more. To explore further, simply click here.

In our effort to foster a collaborative dialogue, we are thrilled to announce an upcoming AMA session with Dan Novaes, our CEO. This will be an opportunity for direct conversation and insight into the developments at EARN’M. To ensure we address your specific concerns and curiosities, we invite you to submit your questions via the provided form.

That’s all for now! We’d like to thank the EARN’M community for your patience in getting these updates out. The team here is greatly looking forward to getting EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem and EARN’M dApp in your hands soon. Until then, please keep your feedback and questions coming.

— EARN’M Team

[PLEASE READ] Important legal disclaimer:

This discussion may contain forward-looking statements that are based on our beliefs and assumptions and on information currently available. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the following words: “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “expect,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “is designed to,” “believe,” “estimate,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “continue,” “ongoing,” or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. These statements may involve risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors that may cause actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the information expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each such forward-looking statement, we caution you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors currently known by us and our projections of the future, about which we cannot be certain. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about developing and designing the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem, including the EARNM Coin and its future utility; our expectations regarding regulatory developments and their effect on the EARN’M Loyalty Ecosystem, including the ability of applications on our network to develop a user base and a successful business model; and potential future listings on an exchange or ATS. We cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate. Furthermore, if the forward-looking statements prove inaccurate, the inaccuracy may be material. In light of the significant uncertainties in these forward-looking statements, you should not regard these statements as a representation or warranty by us or any other person that we will achieve our objectives and plans in any specified time frame, or at all. We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements publicly, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.



William Ryan
EARNM Loyalty Ecosystem

Community Manager. Friend. I have a strong passion for fintech, blockchain, philanthropy, and the great power of positive thinking