Product Update: ‘Mystery Boxes’

William Ryan
EARNM Loyalty Ecosystem
4 min readAug 9, 2022

Based on feedback from our community and extensive user survey data, we’ve decided to make some important upgrades to our ‘ENFT’ reward asset.

We’re excited to announce that within the EARNFT ecosystem, ‘ENFTs’ will now be known as ‘$EARNFT Mystery Boxes’ or simply ‘Mystery Boxes’.

Before we get into some of the more exciting functional upgrades that accompany the new Mystery Box naming protocol, we’d like to first provide a bit of background on what prompted this update.

Contextualizing the ‘Mystery Box’ Update

Each week, the EARNFT team gathers to review comments, questions, and concerns from token holders, community members, and BLU3CHIP Mobile NFT owners.

A message we’ve been receiving with increased frequency is that the terms 'EARNFT' and 'ENFT' are too easily conflated or mixed-up. This is understandable, and despite ‘ENFT’ being a well-received term in its own right; it became clear that a change was needed.

In order to best address and remedy these concerns, the team turned its focus to real-life users — to identify a more coherent and enticing name for our flagship reward asset.

After digesting thousands of data points from in-app surveys and user behavior, the team was quickly convinced that the strongest alternative for this name change was 'Mystery Box'.

Not only were users able to instinctively understand what a Mystery Box might be, they were also significantly more excited to acquire them and unlock their secrets when compared with alternatively named assets.

An additional driver for the ‘Mystery Box’ update relates to the ‘NFT’ portion of ‘ENFTs’. Users, as well as community members, were having a tough time understanding the concept of a ‘verified NFT copy’, which was serving as the visual foundation for the ENFT asset class.

Mystery Boxes will no longer be utilizing ‘verified NFT copies’ as their visual representation, and instead will be fully customizable by whichever platform is incorporating them (more on that below).

Functional Updates

The essential functionality of ‘ENFTs’ is remaining the same — each Mystery Box will be bundled with between 0.5–100,000 $EARNFT Coins.

In addition to $EARNFT Coins, each Mystery Box can also be packed with any additional rewards a given platform might want to include.

Taking a look at the Mode Earn App — where Mystery Boxes have been launched to 10% of their 35M+ audience — we can see this updated functionality in practice:

Each time a Mystery Box is earned within the Mode Earn App, users receive entries into a $300,000 Sweepstakes along with up to 100,000 $EARNFT Coins.

Visual Updates

You have probably noticed that Mystery Boxes in the Mode Earn App look visually different from the Mystery Boxes outlined at the beginning of this post.

This is because we believe the Mystery Box design should be easily customized to match any aesthetic or brand guideline — helping to reduce any potential hurdles in the platform adoption process.

In the hopes of continuing to eliminate any points of friction — as was mentioned earlier — Mystery Boxes will no longer be associated with any specific NFT image or NFT project.

Mystery Box imagery will instead be focused on the $EARNFT Coin and gift/present iconography, in order to effectively illustrate to users what they can expect to receive inside their Mystery Boxes.

Mode Earn App’s iteration serves as an excellent example of what a Mystery Box icon might look like in-app — utilizing both the $EARNFT Coin icon and a Sweepstakes Ticket icon to represent their Mystery Boxes’ two primary contents.


Nothing has changed as it relates to the BLU3CHIP Mobile Collection — NFT owners will still receive 22% of all Mystery Boxes distributed by the EARNFT NETWORK Governance.

And don’t forget! Weekly Dutch Auctions for the BLU3CHIP Mobile Collection start on August 11th!

  • When: Thursdays at 12:00pm EST
  • What: Seven (7) BLU3CHIP Mobile NFTs
  • Where:

As you know, Dutch Auctions help to ensure a healthy price discovery, while avoiding costly gas wars. Every week, community members will be able to mint a fresh BLU3CHIP Mobile NFT without the hassle of constantly refreshing a page.

Check out all of the details for the weekly BLU3CHIP Mobile NFT Sales here.

Thanks ✌️

A huge thanks to our communities on Discord, Twitter, and Telegram for helping us ideate around this update. We’re beyond excited to continue collaborating with you!



William Ryan
EARNM Loyalty Ecosystem

Community Manager. Friend. I have a strong passion for fintech, blockchain, philanthropy, and the great power of positive thinking