The Link Between Obesity and Climate Change

Joanna Kim
Earth Minions
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2021

There is a high chance you’ve heard about obesity and climate change separately. However, have you ever thought about how the two associate with each other? These incredibly large issues actually are quite connected. Although not obvious, there are many areas in which obesity and climate change overlap. Obesity has been proven to add to the already prevalent issue of climate change. Due to obesity’s negative effects, it seems as if the Earth’s goal of saving the climate is more far-fetched than ever.

First, what is obesity? Many believe that obesity is simply just being overweight. To be concluded as obese, it is said that you are to be over at least 20% of the ideal weight. Obesity is usually caused by excessive eating without any form of exercise to burn off those extra calories. When you eat more calories than the amount you can burn, you’re setting yourself up for gradually being diagnosed with obesity! Obesity is very common and is actually seen as one of the most serious health issues in today’s society.

Now, you may be wondering, how is obesity connected to climate change? People who are obese tend to produce more carbon dioxide than a person of average weight. Researchers have found that 1.6% of all human-caused emissions are contributed by obese people. Carbon dioxide plays an extremely large role in rising temperatures. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which means carbon dioxide contributes to the entrapment of heat in the atmosphere. These gases make up parts of our atmosphere. The amount of gases in our atmosphere determines the amount of sunlight that is going to be kept inside. Therefore, the more carbon dioxide we produce, the warmer our Earth will get.

It’s not just about the carbon dioxide produced by obese people that contributes to climate change. Factors such as the number of fossil fuels used to transport above average weight individuals are also factors. Researchers state that “maintenance of greater bodyweight requires more food and drinks to be produced and transported to the consumers.” This means that obese people require more resources to satisfy their daily needs. Also, those who are heavier are associated with more use of fossil fuels for transportation. Although this may not be associated with all obese people, it’s still an important factor to consider when looking at fossil fuels.

As a quick disclaimer, readers should be aware that this article is not written to discriminate against those who are obese. These types of people already suffer from malicious comments and negative internet trolls. Individuals that are obese also face numerous health concerns, which may make individuals with obesity feel depressed and hopeless. Especially when it comes to contributing to the fight against climate change. However, there are still many activities people suffering from obesity can participate in that will help our planet. For example, participating in Litter Walks is a great way to start. Litter Walks refer to the activity of going on walks which also picking up trash. This is a great way to tackle both obesity and environmental issues at the same time.


Joanna Kim, ( is a 6th grader attending Ellicott Mills Middle School. She enjoys spreading animal endangerment awareness along with environmental projects. In Joanna’s free time she enjoys going on walks with her dog. She also enjoys traveling and helping others.

