Learning from the Earth

The Inspiring Example of the Master of Green

Russell Maier


SO IT HAS BEEN that over the last two billion years, the Earth transformed the once harsh, barren and grey surface of the planet into the stable and thriving biosphere that is our common home today. From both a planetary and even galactic view, it is an epic story. However, what makes the story even more remarkable is that the tellers of the tale are thoroughly part of it.

Indeed, our tale telling is only possible through the Earth’s billion year management of carbon; through its million year stabilization of the biosphere; through our last millennia of carbon de-compaction and through our the last century of industry, science and paleontology.

Only through this epochal unfolding, can we look out with vast vantage upon the Earth’s story and truly grasp our own.

Rather than be mired in self-judgment at our play with carbon, we can be dazzled by the Earth’s. The way the Earth has managed its carbon has greened its surface, steadily cultivating ever higher stability, livability, harmony and abundance. And finally, through its cultivation of consciousness it has propelled us the last of the way to the telling and pondering of the story itself.

Rather than be mired in self-judgment at our play with carbon, we can be awed by the…



Russell Maier

Earthen.io → Green ethics, ecological metaphysics, regenerative philosophy. Earth builder & Forest Gardener.