Climate Change Goes Local

National issues are interesting, but local events are personal

William House
Published in
10 min readAug 24, 2020


Climate change gets personal (Modified by ArcheanWeb) — Original Credit: By Andreas Weith — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The old adage “all politics are local” might be rewritten as “real climate change is personal.” The front line of climate change adaptation is formed in local communities as their way of life is challenged by environmental stress. They don’t have the luxury of pondering the grand scheme of global warming or rising sea levels because they are too busy coping with the fallout of climate change in their daily lives. Let’s take a look at three geographically and culturally different localities, and the breadth and scope of issues they face as the future arrives at their doorsteps.

Miami: Salt and the city

Miami and coastal flooding (Modified by ArcheanWeb) — Original Credit: By DXR — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Jennifer Jurado, chief Climate Resilience Officer for Broward County Florida, points out the greater Miami area is under threat. She talks about the encroachment of saltwater into the daily lives of local residents. “As the seas rise, that saltwater front moves farther inland.” It’s not a future threat, “It is already happening.” Communities are now raising funds for costly water treatment plants that turn salty water into drinking water, and taxpayers feel the…



William House

Exploring relationships between people and our planet.