I am a geologist at a major oil company, and surprise! — I want Biden to win.

I want his administration to immediately ban fracking and regulate carbon emissions, even if that means losing my job.

JP Akhter


Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

I’m a geologist in the petroleum industry, and I vote progressive. Before you call me a hypocrite (if you’re liberal) or roll your eyes (if you’re conservative), hear me out:

Since 2015, I’ve been quite gainfully employed at one of the top energy companies in the world (you’ve definitely heard of it). I invested 10 years into my post-secondary education — first with a bachelor’s, then master’s, and ultimately a PhD — just to get where I am today. In common Millennial fashion, I graduated with a mountain of student loan debt to accompany my advanced degrees, but I took solace in knowing that at least when I graduated, I was heading into something useful, a career that would make a six-figure paycheck, which was not something my friends with their liberal arts degrees were looking forward to.

I met my now-husband in the industry. For a while they called us DOINKS — dual oil income no kids. We made a ton of money: we bought a fancy remodeled house in a neighborhood near downtown, we got nice new vehicles (luxury trim package, obviously), and we dined at the fanciest…



JP Akhter

Scientist, artist, mother, T1D :: I observe the world from a secular humanism perspective, and I write about nature, culture, and the characters in my life.