Time is not a thing for a planet like Earth.
It has always been said about Time that one only has it in limited quantity, there is only a finite number of years one lives and is told to make the best of it. In other words, don’t let it go to waste, one can never get it back once it’s passed.
These words can’t be more true for living beings like humans. We as humans have come to indulge ourselves in the daily commotion of living in a modern civilization and everyone around us expecting us to be the best version of ourselves. This only means we shove in thousands of never ending To Do’s in our lives for us to complete in a seemingly limited time. After all this cannot be said about non humans like lets say animals of the savannah where the most pressing and critical need of the hour is to find and hunt for food and try not to become it.
For human beings, time is precious and one can do almost anything to get it back.
This is unquestionably not the case for planetary bodies like the Earth. Years, decades and centuries passing by on Earth feel just like drop in a bucket. Earth as a planet have been through a lot and have seen a lot. We are talking 4.54 billion years of experience and she’s only maybe halfway there. This planet has seen everything from photosynthesis filling up the atmosphere with oxygen to development of single celled organisms to plate tectonic shifts to mass extinctions. Having said that, I cant really say that this planet has not had its share or dull moments, we are talking 4.54 billion years of history.
During all this time, Earth was spinning round and round around the sun which in itself is doing circles around the galaxy. For the most part in its history, our planet did a commendable job of occupying the sweet spot in the goldilocks zone. Being situated comfortably inside this zone for billions of years, water can exist in liquid form due to which life became possible and became possible a living being which has the ability to observe and study the passage of time.
Time is not a thing that our planet cares or keeps count like humans, but time allowed the Earth to become what it is today. Like the phrase goes, give it enough time, anything can happen. The Himalayas didn’t form quickly, it happened and formed slowly in millions of years. The process that formed it is still working consistently to this day.
Give it enough time, monumental things can be achieved through perseverance and consistency. One can become anything he or she desires with enough time and perseverance.
Final Thoughts
With abundant time in her hands, our planet gave rise to the most intelligent species we know of (so far) — Humans. We were created and crafted through millions of years of evolution, we must as a species give back and thank our planet Earth 🌎
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Best wishes.