How Our Strategy and Vision Drives Value to Token Holders

Leonard Harley
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2017

Evaluating the value proposition of a project requires stacking up the solutions the project offers versus the depth of the problems it aims to overcome. Is the quest for environmental sustainability a problem worth solving? Are the proposed solutions unique and compelling? If the problem is real and the solution valid, does a token holder have a real seat at the table? And even if the idea is sound, who is going to execute the idea and bring it to market?

A Problem Worth Solving

Managing the earth’s resources in an environmentally sustainable way is our only real chance at maintaining our lifestyles and preventing humanity from descending into a chaotic scramble for resource availability. Our economies and lives would become unworkable if we do not correctly manage the earth’s finite resources. With the sheer scale of industrial output and consumption levels, we can no longer afford to avoid tackling this problem head-on. The need to adopt environmentally sustainable business and lifestyle choices is becoming increasingly urgent and has gotten beyond the point where we can rely on voluntary contributions from big companies at industrial scale.

Unique And Compelling Solutions

We can no longer rely on our public institutions and big industry to ‘fix this for us’. We can, however, apply environmentally sustainable solutions that have worked on the industrial and institutional scale and apply them at much smaller scales throughout our economies. Specifically, there have been big gains made by industrial-scale players in waste-to-energy solutions, carbon mitigation solutions and climate neutral energy generation solutions. These solutions are not only having a real impact on the environment, they are reducing operational costs and increasing ROI, and more importantly, they are underpinning the growth of and creating demand for natural asset providers.

A Seat at the Table

The Natural Asset Exchange (NAE) is a platform that allows small businesses, local communities, and even individuals to be participants alongside big industry. The blockchain based NAE can modularize industrial scale solutions through tokenization. Tokens that are attached to natural assets can be traded by everyone in an open, transparent, and permissionless market. New market participants will be attracted to enter the market at a scale that fits their individual propositions and assets. One use-case on the demand side demonstrates that buyers will purchase carbon offset assets to mitigate negative environmental impacts. On the supply side, you can expect a burgeoning growth in natural asset providers as they become reliant on market signaling. There will be room for startups that can provide technology, IoT and management solutions for the demand and the supply side to meet.

For token holders, the value is created due to the dynamics of supply and demand where the medium of exchange is in limited supply. As the value and volume of transactions across the NAE increase by using EARTH as the settlement mechanism, due to fixed supply, naturally the value should appreciate due to scarcity, which in turn should lead to an increase in the market capitalization of EARTH giving token holders a real seat at the table.

Market Capture

At impactChoice, we have been providing environmental sustainability solutions since our inception in 2009. Creating a Natural Asset Marketplace that allows all stakeholders in the climate value chain to participate is a proposition we feel qualified to make. Being one of the first exchanges with the potential to tap into a vast pool of natural assets, the Natural Asset Exchange and EARTH token aim to make the most of its ‘first mover advantage’. In the coming days leading up to the EARTH token launch, we will be releasing details about natural asset providers and partner projects that will be participating in the inauguration of the Natural Asset Exchange.

As more natural assets are loaded into the platform, and as these assets attract buyers looking to mitigate their environmental impact, the native EARTH token will begin to circulate and be used to settle trades, appreciating in value due to limited supply.

The platform’s success ultimately depends on token holders being incentivized to have skin in the game and stay for the long haul.



Leonard Harley

Environmental sustainability, entrepreneur, coder, blockchain in the environmental sustainability space.