IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT impactChoice 24 December 2017 — EARTH Token

Allan Saunders
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2017

Dear EARTHlings,

As promised, here is an update on where we are regarding the Token Sale and progress made to fill the void left by our dear departed colleague and friend, Leonard Harley.

The impactChoice executive team has been hard at work sorting out structural and logistical issues associated with Len’s passing, formulating a robust succession plan that best sets us up to deliver the Natural Asset Exchange (NAE) platform and making the EARTH Token ICO a success.

You will see a lot more interaction from executive team members, based on their new and extended roles which are highlighted below:

  • Angus Rowe will play a more formal and active role in EARTH Token, primarily focused on finance and operations.
  • Wesley Carlson has moved from an advisory role to becoming part of the impactChoice executive team. His new title is Director of IT & Blockchain and his main responsibility will be overseeing the development of the NAE platform, blockchain operations and EARTH Token matters.
  • Peter Newell, mainly responsible for impactChoice South Africa operations, will now also manage existing international customers.
  • Dennis Stone will manage strategic partnerships mainly on the supply-side of the NAE.
  • I will expand my project management and marketing roles and take on the EARTH Token spokesperson role. I will also drive strategy for the project.

In terms of the Token Sale, we are very much on track to deliver on the NAE platform and Token Sale expectations by 15 March 2018.

In the new year, we are also going to establish a technology forum, made up of folks from our extended community who want to witness and be part of the NAE pre-Alpha release Proof of Concept in action. More details in January.

We also have a number of new and exciting announcements in the pipeline but are holding off on many until the holidays have passed and we have everyone’s attention. We will be a little quiet over the festive season to allow everyone to recharge their batteries and spend time with family and loved ones.

On behalf of the entire EARTH Token and impactChoice teams, I wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays and hope you all have a wonderful Festive Season!

Best Regards,

Allan Saunders
Product Management & Marketing Director, impactChoice — EARTH Token



Allan Saunders

Product Management & Marketing, Environmental Sustainability & Blockchain