Productivity, Lifestyle

Busyness ≠ Business: One Quick Tip to Maximizing Your Productivity

Stop doing this and you’ll be well on your way to a more productive lifestyle

Knowledge Box
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2020


Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash

“I have so much going on!” you say, exasperated, as you look at your enormous To-Do list. It’s an all too familiar feeling. Task after task after task awaits you.

Answer a few emails, check up on a few informational resources for work, answer a few more emails, attend a somewhat pointless meeting, and now the day is over and you end it feeling vaguely accomplished.

In reality…while your day might’ve felt “busy,” you weren’t really getting much done. You had a low output day. When it comes to our productivity, there’s a lot of ways we can improve.

Critically, you have to be able to define what success means in your job or any work you’re trying to do. This can vary from person to person and from occupation to occupation. As Cal Newport mentions in his book Deep Work, there’s a lot of people working without clear directive.

When you set clear goals and measures ahead of time as to what progress looks like, you will be able to produce even more without feeling like you’re doing a lot of overwhelming work. Doing a lot of things that are highly



Eashan Kotha
Knowledge Box

Neurobiology and film enthusiast. I love poetry too. Buy my book of haiku: