EasyFi Electric Now on Avalanche

A Step-by-Step Guide to conducting Margin Trading on TraderJoe Testnet using Electric

EasyFi Network
EasyFi Network
5 min readNov 18, 2022


Thrilled to extend our Margin Trading on DEXes offering — Electric — on the Avalanche network.

The Electric Smart Contracts have now been deployed on the Avalanche Testnet. You can find the contract here: Electric Avalanche Testnet Contract

The following screenshots have been taken from Electric’s Alpha release UI on the Avalanche Testnet. The process to open and close a margin trade has been explained screen-by-screen.

The Electric Testnet is connected to the DEX on Avalanche — TraderJoe Testnet to enable the margin trades.

Adding RPC Network to your Metamask: Click Here

#1: Connecting Your Wallet to Electric Testnet

Connect your Metamask wallet to the Electric App. Ensure that you are on Avalanche Testnet.

Asset Pools Page with list of assets available to Trade on Electric on Avalanche Testnet
Connect to Metamask

#2: Adding xUSDC from Faucet

The Testnet version of Electric has one asset to test on called xUSDC. Click on “Faucet” shown on the top right of the Pool page.

Obtaining xUSDC from EasyFi Faucet

On clicking the Faucet link, you will be asked for adding your Avalanche Testnet Wallet Address. Paste your wallet address in the space provided and “Send Request”.

Please note: These tokens have no value on any blockchain mainnet and are minted only for testing and experience purposes.

Requesting for xUSDC transfer from EasyFi Faucet to your Avalanche Testnet Wallet
Confirming xUSDC Transfer on SnowTrace Testnet

#3: Supplying Assets to the Liquidity Pool

To get started on Electric, the user needs to “Deposit” an asset as collateral to the pool of assets shown here — in this case you have to deposit xUSDC of course. Also select the leverage you want to obtain on this deposit.

Follow the process of Approval and Confirmation of the process of Blockchain (Avalanche Testnet).

Adding Asset amount and Loan details in Leverage
Deposit Approval for Asset
Collateral Deposit Confirmation
Confirming Asset Deposit with Leverage
Deposit Confirmation on EasyFi Electric App
Checking on SnowTrace Testnet for Transactions

#4: Opening new margin positions & Trade

Once the asset is deposited in the pool, the Margin and Trade options will be activated for the user. You can open multiple Margin Positions for different trades using xUSDC

Trade & margin adjustment options are activated

Click on Trade on the above screen. It leads to the screen below that will create the pair that you intend to trade on TradeJoe DEX (Testnet).

Select the Input token and the Output Token to create the margin trading pair.

Selecting the Input & Output tokens to create the Margin Trading Pair
xETH selected as Trading Pair on TraderJoe (Testnet)
Confirming the Trade on Metamask
Confirming Create Position on SnowTrace Testnet
Transaction Complete Confirmation on Electric

#5: Checking & Closing Your Trade Positions

We move to the next tab on the screen that displays all the trade positions currently live and closed by the user. This page allows you to close any position you have based on your plan for Profits / loss strategy.

On Clicking the Close Position Button, the system calculates your Profit & Loss (P & L) and the Value of the profit or loss in USD.

Checking Your Trade Positions
Closing the Margin Position on AMM
Close Position Confirmation in Wallet
Position Closed on Electric & AMM

#6: Verifying Transactions on Avalanche Testnet

You can check & verify the above transactions on Avalanche Testnet for Creating Position & Closing Position.

Electric Margin Trading Transactions on Avalanche Testnet Blockchain (SnowTrace)

About EasyFi Electric

Electric is a decentralized, permissionless, scalable, secure, leverage trading platform, from EasyFi, that enables traders to take out short-term loans to trade margin positions from publicly sourced liquidity from different AMMs / decentralized exchanges.

Litepaper: https://bit.ly/EasyFi-Electric-Litepaper

About EasyFi

EasyFi Network is a universal layer-2 multi-chain money market protocol for digital assets with focus on liquidity sourcing & capital efficiency for structured lending in a non-custodial manner. The Protocol is currently live on Polygon, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Whitepaper | Blog | App | Electric Litepaper

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EasyFi Network
EasyFi Network

EasyFi Network is a Layer 2 DeFi Lending protocol for Digital Assets. Taking a strong community-oriented governance approach with $EZ