EAST Strategies, Part 0: Minting

Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2023

This is the first article in a series where we will explore different strategies you can use in EAST.Finance protocol. Today, we will cover the beginning of your big journey: minting EAST and checking vault health.

Minting EAST

Minting EAST stablecoin in East.Finance is similar to any other DeFi platform:

1. Go to EAST.Finance client.

2. Connect your Waves Keeper wallet.

3. Click “Issue EAST” and decide how many EAST coins you want to mint. For this, you will need WAVES, WEST or ETH as collateral.

4. After the transaction is done, you will get an EAST vault opened in your wallet. Feel free to explore the interface and cards for more information about your positions.

Managing your vault

1. If your vaults’ backing ratio (BR) is high enough, you can mint additional EAST. Your BR will grow if the price of your collateral increases.

2. Watch your BR regularly! If it goes too low, your vault may be liquidated. This can happen if your collateral falls down in price. To maintain a healthy position, you can either burn EAST or add more collateral to your vault.

For a visual guide for the entire process, check out our EAST guide:

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The first stablecoin based on Waves Enterprise mainnet