
Episode 1 — A Fashion Framework: Postwar Germany, the Flickenkleid & the Formation of the GDR

Hi, and thanks for stopping by. If you haven’t listened yet, checkout our first episode here .

In the show, I mentioned providing additional images & references for anyone interested which you can find below:

Truemmerfrau / Berlin / Photo 1947
The Flickenkleid

Guenther, Irene. “Out of the Ruins: Fashioning Berlin, 1945‒1952” Fashion Theory, Volume 21, 2017- Issue 4: The Look of Austerity

Sark, Katrina. Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion. (Chicago: Intellect, The University of Chicago Press, 2011)

Stitziel, Judd. Fashioning Socialism: Clothing, Politics and Consumer Culture in East Germany. (New York: Berg Publishers, 2005)

“Ostalgie: Romanticizing the GDR”. Deutsche Welle:

“Ostalgie and the Politics of the Future in Eastern Germany”. Neoliberal Histories:

Oh…and one more thing — feel free to checkout Got a Haute Minute? Our bonus episode airing Friday featuring a quick book review of Fashioning Socialism.


