intention + imagination = inspired insight

Bhakti Issa Urra
East West Women
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2024

Around this time last year we began posting a series we created on Instagram called mantra | prayer | poem. These digital collages were created by Bhakti Creative Design.

EcoDeo on Instagram

Declarations of intention, devotion, and vibration designed to capture the imagination to inspire and ignite insight.

For 2024 we are starting a new series with a fresh set of prompts to keep our inner fire burning bright. These are shorter and more pointed directives to drive and point us in the direction our intuition chooses to take us.

2024 Prompt: splendid in splendor — art by @isangbhakti

April is the start of our astrological year — when a new cycle of rotation goes through the twelve celestial houses of the western horoscope.

This 2024 there is a Lunar Eclipse happening in Libra on March 25 and the Full Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8 so we are now officially in the portal (dragon’s den).

Black Moon art © Rhomana D’Arezzo 2020 on We’Moon 2024

Eclipse portals are known for bringing sudden endings and new beginnings. When time can feel dramatically accelerated or extended.

In shamanism this is referred to as elastic time — how time is not measurable in non-ordinary reality. Where we are living a lifetime in the span of these few weeks.

Total Eclipse of the Heart, Bonnie Tyler

Step into this extraordinary and special time — to emerge within your heart stream of awareness. Aligned with your intentions and adjusted timelines. You have the power to choose your reality.

Choose with care and wisdom.

Originally published at



Bhakti Issa Urra
East West Women

canvassing consciousness, constantly curious — ever challenged & changed