Make your home workouts count!

A few tips from Eastnine on how to get the most from your home workouts.

Cat Forrest
3 min readMar 12, 2020


The winter has been endless! 😭

Alongside the usual colds we deal with every year, we’re also having to contend with the rising severity of coronavirus.

In a bid to reduce the spread and limit the risks, many people are now working remotely or choosing to self isolate. With this arises the question of how you maintain your fitness when opting to spend more time at home?

A healthy immune system is key to fighting illness and exercise can play a big role in this. Just like a healthy diet, exercise adds to general good health, but it also promotes circulation which allows cells and other substances of the immune system to move more freely through the body and do their job effectively.

Luckily, exercising at home can be just as beneficial as exercising at the gym, so self isolation or just being more cautious doesn’t have to mean an end to your exercise routine!

Eastnine has always been designed as an accessible fitness app to support you wherever you choose to exercise. Here we give you some of the simple things you can do to make working out at home more effective:

  1. Remove all distractions — getting distracted is one the hardest parts of working out at home. We’ve all been there and given up halfway through because, if we’re honest with ourselves, we’re looking for an excuse to quit. So, give yourself the best chance to stay in the zone by making a dedicated workout area with no distractions. It doesn’t even need to be a big space, just somewhere you can focus. Set your phone to Do Not Disturb and ask anyone else in your house to not pester you. You’ll not only stay better focused in the session, but you’ll get through it quicker as you won’t be stopping and starting.
  2. Train multiple areas at once — Working out at home can often leave you feeling like you’ve not had as full a workout as you might at the gym. Working multiple areas at once can be one way to avoid this feeling and give you bang for your buck! Sessions such as Full Body Blast and Fitter in Ten Minutes are great places to start and will leave you feeling more enthused for your next session.
  3. Take your workout to the garden — If you’re lucky enough to have some outdoor space and you get blessed with a sunny day, take your workout outside. Everything feels better in the fresh air! 🙏
  4. Set up a motivational music playlist — We all know the power of music to get us through, so create an upbeat playlist that means you won’t get distracted by having to skip those downbeat songs!
  5. Remember to warm up and cool down — It’s easy to skip this part at home, but make sure to set a bit of time aside so you don’t wake up with DOMS the next day. Each of the Eastnine coaches will talk you through a warm up at the start of a session, but if you like to sneak off before cooling down, get into good habits and do a Stretch session after your main workout.
  6. Use any opportunity — Find yourself with a spare few minutes? Grab your phone and fit in a mini workout! Making excuses to train rather than excuses not to train will transform your mindset and your motivation! The Basics (6 mins) and Core Activator (5 mins) show it’s possible to get in a workout regardless of your time constraints.

All in all, working out at home can be the solution you need for keeping your fitness up and immune system strong, as well as helping to focus the mind and feel recharged. So, just remove the distractions and you’ll be a pro at it in no time!

