Top Stories published by Eastros in 2013

Backbone.LayoutManager: How to prepend a view?

Backbone.LayoutManager v0.6.6 docs state that:

If you wish to change append to prepend you can easily change how the View is inserted by setting a new append function.

Why Backbone-Relational Sucks?

Apologies for being blunt, but this is what I truly feel after weeks of struggle with Backbone-Relational. Some of the features library boasts are great, but some other problems make its usage horrible. So if you are lured by the cool features this framework claims, here is…

The BackboneJS Way of Thinking

So you are frustrated tackling BackboneJS and wondering why it isn’t solving your problems as you had expected it to, after hearing about its glorious penetration in many high profile projects. Well, join the club, you are not alone. Here I’ll share my expectations when I…