John Vu
Eastwick CleanTech
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2016


#ICYMI Cleantech News 1/22/16

Welcome again to our series of regular In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) cleantech news blog posts. These blog posts feature some of the most interesting, compelling and/or impactful cleantech news of the week.

This week’s highlights include a U.S. federal appeals panel rejecting an effort by 27 states and dozens of corporations to block coal plant regulations put in place by the Obama administration; construction starting on the world’s largest floating solar PV plant; and a new report from Standard & Poor’s predicting that the market for renewables and green finance is poised for $16.5 trillion worth of investments.

Here are some of the top stories in cleantech this week:

· COAL: New York Times’ Coral Davenport reported that a federal appeals panel rejected an effort by 27 states and dozens of corporations and industry groups to block the Obama administration’s signature regulation on emissions from coal-fired power plants while a lawsuit moves through the courts.

· NEW YORK: Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a new plan for the state to invest $5 billion in clean energy over the next decade, reported Bloomberg’s Christ Martin.

· GREEN FINANCE: A new report from Standard & Poor’s predicted that the market for renewables and green finance is poised for $16.5 trillion worth of investments.

· SOLAR: PV Tech’s Andy Colthorpe reported that construction of the world’s largest floating solar PV plant has begun in Japan.

· STORAGE: Energy Storage Report’s Jason Deign explained why solar-plus-storage is starting to look more attractive in the UK.

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John Vu
Eastwick CleanTech

Clean Tech Account Coordinator @eastwickcom. Insatiable itch to #travel and eat everything in sight.