John Vu
Eastwick CleanTech
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2016


#ICYMI Cleantech News 4/22/16

Welcome again to our series of regular In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) cleantech news blog posts. These blog posts feature some of the most interesting, compelling and/or impactful cleantech news of the week.

This week we’re highlighting Earth Day 2016. Highlights include leaders from more than 170 countries meeting at the United Nations to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change; Earth Day becoming a political talking point among the U.S. presidential candidates; and a quiz from CNET testing your Earth Day knowledge.

Here are some of the top stories focusing on Earth Day this week:

· PARIS: April 22 is not only Earth Day, it’s also the day when leaders from more than 170 countries came together to sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

· FACTS: Are you doing your part to give back on Earth Day? Check out these five inspiring facts about Earth Day, written by The Telegraph’s Cara McGoogan.

· U.S. ELECTIONS: NBC’s Leigh Caldwell reported on how Earth Day has become politically charged among U.S. presidential candidates, and their positions on climate change.

· VIDEO: NPR’s Bill Chappell compiled videos celebrating Earth Day from organizations and companies such as NASA, the European Space Agency and Google.

· QUIZ: CNET’s Amanda Kooser provided the opportunity for Earth lovers everywhere to test their knowledge on topics such as recycling rates, the hottest spot on the planet and the very founding of Earth Day.

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John Vu
Eastwick CleanTech

Clean Tech Account Coordinator @eastwickcom. Insatiable itch to #travel and eat everything in sight.