About Easy Chair Analysis

Beenish Ahmed
Easy Chair Analysis
1 min readJun 15, 2013


Live in a place long enough or study a topic closely enough and there are things you find yourself mumbling as you read the paper in the morning or shouting at the evening news night after night. Knowledge that swells in the knees and weights heavy in the midsection. This collection is about all that you know without having look up simply because of who you are and the life that you’ve lived. It’s meant to provide a glimpse of the view from your corner of the world, to share information and insight right from the most comforatable seat in the house. To let someone else settle in your easy chair for a little while.



Beenish Ahmed
Easy Chair Analysis

Reporter, writer, and founder of THE ALIGNIST, a platform to connect novels to news. More at beenishfahmed.com