Budgeting and approving in Finances

Start creating business plans inside REALPAD. Get your invoices approved on time.

Michal Kejzlar
2 min readFeb 12, 2017


Creating and editing business plans in ERP

From now on, you can create and edit business plan inside Financials module. No need for imports from puzzle-like Excel sheets!

Start by navigating to Financials > Administer ERP > Projects. There, you can see list of project with associated plans like shown below. Click on link to go to Active plan or Add a new one and start creating or editing your plans!

Budget export in financial module

ERP is now able to export budgets for all projects in one Excel sheet. To use this export, you must be ERP administrator with administrative permissions. Then navigate to Financial module > Administer ERP > Projects.

Auto approving feature & on-hold for invoices

Financials approvals can now automatically approve invoice due to inactivity of approver. You can set approval limit in days for each individual approval step or even for every person in company.

Also there is an Extend decision deadline option, where you can extend deadline of given invoice if it needs extra care. Use this function if you want to guarantee invoices in your company are approved at given time limit.

