11 Top health Publications That Pay Freelance Writers as Much as $500

I have prepared a list of these health publications that pay freelance writers

Parvaiz Yousuf
Easy Money Making
4 min readJun 30, 2022


Here’s a chance that will make you rich. In this article, I bring you a list of health publications that pay freelance writers as much as $700. There are a lot of sites where you can make good money by writing about health and fitness.

America is one of the least healthy countries in the world. Obesity, diabetes, and mental health problems are just some of the issues that people in America face. People in the United States always look for ways to lose weight, improve their gut fitness, and feel better.

Many magazines and newspapers are looking for writers who can give fitness markets a unique product to meet these needs. So, there is no scarcity of publications that pay writers out there.

Here is an excellent chance for freelance writers to talk about how they lost weight or tell their readers about a new way to eat.

Before you send in articles, don’t forget to send a pitch of your topic titles to the editors.

I will discuss the top 10 health publications that pay freelance writers between $25 and $500.

#1. Vibrant Life

Vibrant life is a health magazine that comes out every two months. It focuses on fitness, mental health, and spiritual experience from a Christian point of view. Send in new, original articles that answer questions like, “How can I live a happier, healthier life?”

Short articles of 400–700 words and longer feature articles can be written and published (not over 1000 words). You will get 100–$300 per article.

Visit site: http://www.vibrantlife.com/

#2. Eating Well

In this list of health publications that pay freelance writers, I have included Eating well. This fitness magazine is only about cooking, nutrition science, where food comes from, and social issues that are related to food networks. They get $1 for each word.

This fitness magazine comes out every two months, and freelance articles should be between 150 and 350 words long. Also, you are encouraged to check out their submission guidelines.

Visit the site: https://www.eatingwell.com/

#3. Spirituality and Health

This magazine wants to hear about new ways to live a happier and healthier life. They want to hear about new ways to improve the fitness of communities, the environment, and people in the future.

$200 will be paid for stories with 950 words. They will get $500 for each feature story that is 1,000–1,300 words long.

Write to them: https://spiritualityhealth.com/

#4. Diabetes Self-management

People who read this magazine are looking for new ideas and information to help them manage and control their diabetes. So, you should not ignore this one in my list of health publications that pay freelance writers as much as $300.

Writers can send in long-form articles of 1000–2000 words. Send examples of your best writing and make a great pitch proposal.

Submit here: https://www.diabetesselfmanagement.com/

#5. The Health Journal

This health magazine has sections on health and wellness, parenting, senior fitness, and natural healing.

Writers who care a lot about fitness and well-being should apply to write for this fitness journal. The price per word starts at $8. This journal wants to hear from both experienced and new writers.

Write for them: http://www.thehealthjournals.com/editorial/

#6. Radish

This magazine talks about a lot of different things, like how to eat well, places to go outside, homes, gardens, health, fitness, and the mind and soul. Each article will pay the writer between $50 and $250.

Visit their site: http://radishmagazine.com/

#7. Yoga Basics

The Yoga Basics website needs writers who know how to do yoga exercises, train for yoga, or teach yoga. Writers have to send in one to two articles every month.

Each article starts with 400 to 800 words and 4 to 8 paragraphs. You’ll get $30 at first, which will increase over time. So, gear yourself up while reading my article about health publications that pay freelance writers money.

Submit your article here: http://www.yogabasics.com/write-for-us/

#8. Common Ground

The common ground includes things like health, the environment, peace, and fairness. They will be paid $10 per word. You can send in a short (600-word) article or a long one (1000 words).

Read more at http://commonground.ca/

#9. Well-being

Well-being is a well-known magazine that talks about people’s health, how to improve the quality of life, and the fitness of the planet. For feature articles ($600–700), travel articles ($750), and personal experiences ($150). Go get up and start earning after completing my article about health publications that pay freelance writers.

Visit: https://www.wellbeing.com.au/

#10. Whole Life Times

It talks about things like holistic health and living a healthy life in a progressive way. For regular long articles (800–1000 words), the writers will get $75–$150, and for personal stories, they will get $100. (600 words).

Visit at: http://www.wholelifetimes.com/

#11. Women’s Running

This health magazine is looking for articles about fitness, health, nutrition, sports, and healthy recipes. They want pieces that are between 1,000 and 2,000 words long.

However, there are many other online publications that pay writers a good amount. You can always look for more of them.

Visit the site: https://www.womensrunning.com/

Bottom line

Don’t waste your time; think about pitching these top health and fitness magazines and publications right away. I hope this article about health publications that pay freelance writers was helpful.

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Parvaiz Yousuf
Easy Money Making

A master’s in zoology, science journalist and a flexible author. Here, I help people with earning money. Our other blogs: https://animalplanetory.com/.