7 Ways To Make Money From Stock Trading With Sarwa Trading Platform

Regardless of the style of stock trading, you select the Sarwa UAE trading platform, you must understand trading methods if you want to profit from stocks on Sarwa Trading.

Awais gill
Easy Money Making
8 min readNov 29, 2022


trading stocks is the best way to earn income online with share trading in stock markets
Photo by Wance Paleri on Unsplash

UAE’s trading platform Sarwa Trade has neither minimum capital requirements nor commissions. Investors will have access to more than 4,000 market capitalization equities and exchange-traded securities listed on US markets thanks to the Sarwa Trade app.

It’s crucial to note that even the most seasoned stock traders might incur a financial loss. Successful traders may set up a victory that generates more revenue than a loss will take away, and they also earn more money than they lose on average.

Let’s start!

1. Learn about the stock market and stick to your strengths.

The most massive investment you can make is in yourself, according to Warren Buffet.

Therefore, learning more about the stock market is the first step to take if you want to learn how to make money trading.

You need to learn from the failures of unsuccessful investors and traders in addition to reading Sarwa’s blog and as many books about the stock market as you can get your hands on.

Buffett has further advised, specifically for our purposes, to “never invest in a firm you cannot comprehend.” Therefore, you should be completely aware of the business strategy and sector you are investing in, as well as how much you comprehend how the stock market as a whole operates.

Start with what you are most familiar with as an alternative strategy. Literally. People invest in particular stocks because they have faith in the sector or the business, or because they are more aware of what the firm is attempting to accomplish. Which industry do you know the most about?

If you join by this link you can get a free $50 bonus. You can trade in US stocks and invest from all over the world.

2. Build your confidence by trying out demos and fractional trading.

Some platforms let you trade with fake money, or demo trade, which helps stock traders hone their techniques and lower the danger of losing their money.

You may begin with a demo account before knowing how to trade stocks with actual money. Identify the causes you lose money and devise a method to stop them by using demo trading to refine your technique.

Investments made through fractional trading are one technique to lower risk while refining your strategy.

You can purchase a portion of an organization’s stock through fractional trading. If a stock’s share price is $100, you may purchase a fractional share for $10. So, instead of using a demonstration account, you may start off modestly and get experience trading in the actual market.

3. A fast checklist for choosing high-quality companies based on fundamental analysis

Companies with strong fundamentals will gradually increase their earnings, which will raise the market price.

What therefore should we be on the lookout for?

The first thing to check is if the business has a sufficient competitive advantage to keep or grow its market share in the sector (or industries) in which it operates.

Sales will drop off if a corporation is losing market share, which will also lower profitability (income). Conversely, as market share grows, sales and profits will as well. Sales and profits will increase even if the market share stays the same and the industry as a whole is expanding.

Examining a company’s returns on profits (net income divided by capital) and profit margin (net earnings divided by sales) might help determine whether it truly has a competitive edge. You want these figures to be rising over time and to be on par with or above the industry standard.

Additionally, you want to make sure the business is not in danger of either medium- or long-term insolvency or short-term financial issues. As a result, you must assess the debt-to-equity ratio and the current assets over liabilities ratio.

The first one should be rising over time, while the second one should be falling. However, since certain businesses utilize more leverage than others, a cross-sectional study that compares these numbers to industry averages is preferable to a trend analysis that compares them to historical numbers in this scenario.

In general, you want to invest in firms that are gradually expanding their sales and profits while using less debt to do it. These are businesses that have a definite competitive edge, which indicates solid foundations.

4. Become familiar with stock trading charts by using technical analysis.

This portion may be a little lengthy. Adapt to us. It’s beneficial to comprehend some of these stock trading ideas. So, you’ll know more about what, according to studies, is the most effective way to read charts.

Picking the correct stocks is only the first step in understanding how to trade stocks. Technical analysis teaches you when to buy stocks, but fundamental analysis advises which stocks to buy.

Stock traders who hold long positions purchase shares at cheap prices and hold them until the price rises to realize a profit. For short positions, on the other hand, stock traders sell when the price is high and then wait for the price to drop before repurchasing.

5. Develop a plan and follow it: the waiting game

Making a sound plan is crucial to understanding how to trade for profit online.

How you choose to enter a transaction will depend on your stock trading approach. For instance, what moving averages and candlestick patterns will you use to find patterns, what partnership must the daily average have with the candlesticks to suggest a good entry point, what indicators will show whether the stock is bullish momentum or oversold, how do you determine resistance and support and how do they affect your decision?

A solid trading strategy will include detailed and precise requirements for placing trades.

Do not accept the transaction if all of your requirements are not met. Risky is making a deal under the influence of praise from others. “Temperament, not intellect, is the most essential trait for an investor,” remarked Warren Buffet. Therefore, among your most valuable skills is learning to control your emotions and stick to your selected course of action.

Jesse Livermore, the father of day trading, once observed, “There is a time to go long, a time to go short, and a time to go fishing.” In other words, you are under no obligation to execute a stock trade when your technique advises against it.

However, if a tactic is no longer effective for you, you may modify it. But altering a strategy is not the same as forgoing it in favor of a hazardous move. You should halt trading if you need to adjust a strategy, then restart trading using the revised approach. You must also make sure that once the new strategy is in place, you never make a transaction until your strategy gives you the okay.

6. Invest your money wisely and in high-quality stocks.

These most effective plans have flaws. The main point, as was previously said, is to win more often than you lose and for a victory to generate more income than a loss would deplete.

Diversifying your portfolio is an excellent method to achieve this while lowering your risk. In essence, diversification is a technique that advises against putting all of your eggs in one basket. To lower your overall risk, you should trade multiple high-quality companies (with strong fundamentals) as opposed to only one or two equities.

For traders, this involves putting in place a sound risk management strategy; for investors, it means purchasing equities that are negatively correlated.

By limiting the amount of your cash that you invest in any one stock, risk management enables you to reduce how much you can lose when you make a poor transaction.

You cannot invest a sizable portion of your trading money, say AED 10,000, in a single deal. Instead, perhaps just 1% to 5% of your cash will be invested in any one stock; in fact, financial experts sometimes advise against investing more than 5% of your capital in any one stock.

So, regardless of your level of trading confidence, you are only investing between AED 100 and AED 500 in Stock A. This enables you to spread your risk over a variety of equities, reducing the impact of a single loss on your wealth.

The creator of the hedge fund Hite Capital Management, Larry Hite, says that he had two fundamental principles for succeeding in both trading and life. “One. You can’t win if you don’t bet. 2. You cannot bet if you lose all of your chips. Never let your chips run out. The key to generating money, in the words of Marty Schwartz, author of Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street’s Champion Day Trader, is to control your losses. Continue to diversify at all costs.

Additionally, you must make sure that, when you make a transaction, the benefits of success outweigh the risks of failure. If you trade with AED 100, for instance, you must make sure that the gain will be at least 1.1 times more than the loss.

Similarly, by establishing a stop loss, you may make absolutely sure that you never lose all of your money in a bad transaction. A stop loss is a price at which you should terminate a transaction in order to prevent future losses. How you set your stop losses must be part of your trading plan. The distinction between the price you entered and your stop loss target price, then, is the maximum amount you may lose. Therefore, your anticipated profit must be at least 1.1 times the potential loss.

7. Evaluate your efficiency

The founder of modern management, Peter Drucker, once remarked, “What gets measured gets controlled.” You must thus keep track of each deal you make and how it comes out if you want to know how to earn money from stock trading.

Always keep in mind that the key to profitable stock trading is to make sure your gains surpass your losses. You must maintain accurate records of your progress in order to know that.

Measurement is the first step toward management. Making your trading plan ideal is one method to handle. Why do you keep losing money? How may those losses be minimized or avoided? What aspects of your plan need to be altered for improved outcomes?

Learning from other stock traders who have achieved greater success is a smart idea. However, stay away from being a copy. Instead of accepting it wholeheartedly, take note of their approach’s strengths and use them to improve your own.

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