Best Passive Income Ideas 2022 — How I Make $2,000 A Day

Eight different passive income ideas. That I use personally earn about $2000 per day in passive income. Now with each of these passive income stream ideas, I’d like to highlight three different things.

Awais gill
Easy Money Making
15 min readOct 22, 2022


we wil discuss about Best Passive Income Ideas 2022 — How I Make $2,000 A Day
Photo by Chiara Daneluzzi on Unsplash

Over the past few months, I’ve been consistently earning about two thousand dollars per day in passive income from eight different passive income streams. The truth is anybody can do it. What I’ve been able to do. Yes, it will require a little bit of work but I’m telling you right now it’s worth it.

The first thing is how much upfront work is needed to start earning passive income with the idea. The second thing is how difficult is it to consistently earn $100 or more per month with it. Finally how difficult is it to maintain the passive income stream?

The first thing you have to know is that all of these passive income ideas will have varying degrees of difficulty. How much money you can make from them? For starters, the first thing I’d like to establish is what exactly to do. I mean by passive income because regardless of what some people on the internet will have you believe passive income is a real thing.

It is 100% possible to go to sleep at night. And still, continue making money even without actively working. Essentially passive income is right. It’s the ability to make money without actually having to trade your time.

1: Stocks

The first and arguably the easiest source of passive income that you can start building as soon. As today is getting paid from stocks many of you already know. If you’ve been reading my articles for some time. Many stocks will pay you monthly or quarterly paychecks. Just for owning shares of the stock.

These stocks are called dividend stocks. Dividend stock is a company that shares its profits with shareholders through dividend payments. You officially become a shareholder. The moment you buy shares of stock from the company.

This way it works is extremely simple. Let’s just say that you owned 30 shares of a stock that pays an annual dividend of $2. This means you would earn $60 per year for those 30 shares of stock that you own. So let’s answer our three basic questions.

The first question is how much upfront work is required to start earning passive income through dividend stocks. Well honestly not a whole lot of work at all. Because all you need is a brokerage account and some money to buy the dividend stocks right.

In terms of upfront work, it’s an easy one out of five because there is no upfront work in terms of the best brokerage account to use.

My go-to recommendation is Webull not only is Webull easy to use with its clean modern interface. But if you sign up using my link and deposit just one penny you’ll get 12 free stocks valued up to 36 six thousand dollars now.

Does begs the question though how difficult is it to earn one hundred dollars per month in passive income with dividend stocks?

Well, let’s do some really quick math. Let’s say for example that you wanted to invest $3M because they pay an annual dividend of 5.96 per share to earn $100 per month in passive dividend income. You would need to buy about 200 shares of the stock which is worth about $21,000 and with that $21,000 invested into $3M.

You would earn about $100 per month in passive dividend income. Overall I would give this a three out of five. It’s not extremely difficult to start making passive income with dividend stocks. This is a classic case of it takes money to make money. You have to invest your money into dividend stocks if you want them to pay. You and the more you invest the more you’ll get paid.

Finally how difficult is it to maintain this source of passive income?

Well, this is an easy one out of five because it’s extremely easy. Once you own the stocks then you just have to keep on holding. Stocks for them to keep on paying you a dividend. I’m just barely scratching the surface on this subject.

If you wanted me to make a step-by-step article where I go in-depth about how you can start making money with dividend stocks. Then drop a comment down below. Let me know if you’d be interested in this article. And if enough people comment then I’ll write the article.

2: Youtube

The next source of passive income is making a YouTube channel. This is my favorite source of passive income. I’ve learned over the years that the best and highest-paying sources of passive income often require the most upfront work. You see something like dividend stocks has zero upfront work. But the amount of money that you can make from dividend stocks is a lot less compared to YouTube.

First thing how much upfront work is needed to start earning passive income from YouTube? Something that I always tell people is there’s both an active and passive side to YouTube. The active side is the continuous work that I have to do to produce content like this article. The passive side is the fact that once I produce this article and put it out there.

Well, it’s out there permanently right and theoretically. It could make an infinite amount of money as long as the YouTube algorithm continues pushing it to an audience. If you did a good job producing the video then it will continue getting pushed by the algorithm. Because people will continue to enjoy watching it.

The Upfront work to start a YouTube channel is a lot of work. I’m going to give it a 5 out of 5 on the work scale. Once you’ve put in enough work consistently. Your channel starts growing and momentum starts picking up. Then it becomes incredibly easy to start earning $100 or more in passive income. 1 out of 5 kinds of easy and then to maintain that passive income stream.

All you have to do is just repeat what already worked and continue repeating it over and over again. Build systems around your processes to make your workflow that much easier and more passive for yourself. If you can do this then maintaining the passive income stream from your YouTube channel is going to be pretty easy like a 2.5 out of 5.

Even Beyond just the passive income side of YouTube are all the benefits that come with building a large audience online. In many ways, YouTube could help to fuel other past income sources or at least give them a little boost for example.

3: Affiliate Marketing

The next passive income idea is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing yes it can technically be done without a YouTube channel or Tick Tock or Instagram or any other type of online following. It can be done and people do it all the time. You already have an audience in one of those things Tick Tock Instagram YouTube whatever. If you already have an existing audience affiliate marketing just becomes that much easier to implement into your existing strategy.

What exactly is affiliate marketing is the process by which you promote another person or company’s product in exchange for money or commission. For example, I have a website called On that website, I sell website templates for a WordPress page builder plugin called Elementor.

Elementor at the top of my website. I have a link that says to get Elementor Pro and when people click on that link it brings them to a page on element’s main website. Where they can buy the pro version of the plugin. If they do end up buying it well then Elementor is gonna pay me a 50% Commission which on a $100 purchase is $50. Every single time somebody clicks on that link on my website which is an affiliate link.

They buy the product. I’ll earn a commission from that and guys virtually. Every business and every Company online has some type of affiliate program. They don’t openly advertise it on their website. For example, Amazon has its Amazon Associates program. Sites like skillshare have an affiliate program. They will pay you a fixed dollar amount for every person that signs up through your affiliate link.

First question how much upfront work is required to start making passive income with affiliate marketing?

Well generally speaking if you don’t already have some type of audience online. Even if it’s a small audience, it will require a bit of work to get this. Things are up and running like a 4 out of 5. If you do have an existing audience then honestly it’s like a 1 out of 5. Because you’re not having to do any extra work aside from maybe mentioning a product. Including some type of affiliate Link in the content.

Like I said earlier is it possible to do affiliate marketing without a social media following?

Yes, a lot of people make a lot of money with affiliate marketing without even having an online following. You do have to get a lot more creative.

If my website is providing value. People will visit the website they’ll click on my affiliate links. Sometimes they’ll buy the product and it happens every month. Several times per month.

Finally how difficult is it to maintain the source of passive income from affiliate marketing?

Well, I would say this is a 2 out of 5. It’s relatively easy as long as you’re able to continue providing value be it through a YouTube channel Tick Tock or Instagram through your website whatever. It is as long as you keep providing value people will keep showing up. They’ll keep clicking on your links and you’ll keep making money from affiliate marketing.

4: Podcast

The next passive income idea is starting a podcast. I don’t have a podcast yet. It is something I’m planning for the future. Podcasts work very similarly to YouTube in terms of the active work involved. Passive income that’s created as a result of busy work. In other words yes you will have to do the diligent work involved with recording.

The podcast finds guests and comes up with good topics. You know your audience will want to listen. However, once that podcast is recorded and it’s out there in the world. It will continue making you money without you having to do any additional work.

So how much upfront work is required to start a podcast?

Well, I’m gonna ask my good friend Andrew. Who is an expert on the topic? Because he happens to be the host of a very successful 4 million download podcast.

So podcasting is one of the easiest things to start just like YouTube. Because you just have your phone you can start with YouTube with podcasting. All you need is some simple audio equipment. And you need a hosting service so with the audio equipment. It’s actually much less expensive than a lot of people think. You can actually get a 70 microphone.

Microphone can sound absolutely amazing on a podcast then outside of that. Need a hosting service so there are cheap hosting services like buzz Sprout or anchor or bus front. I think it’s about 14 bucks a month. I think anchor even is free what it does is it pushes. Your podcast out to say apple podcast Spotify all those other things. So it is incredibly simple to start a podcast.

I would say it is about a two just because you have to buy the mic. Maybe some of the the simple equipment but outside of that it is incredibly simple to start a podcast. When you start podcasting it’s going to take you a couple months to obviously get an audience.

The best way to to make money early on there’s a couple of different ways one of the major ways is advertising. And what happens is as you build up episodes and as you build up. Your back catalog and you get more experience in podcasting.

All of those episodes are going to start to compound just like a YouTube channel would so when you’re starting off. You’ll make that hundred dollars pretty easily as long as you have that first thousand and listeners.

Finally how difficult is it to maintain this passive income Source?

I would rate the difficulty as a two. When once you have your first thousand listeners. The difficult part is the first three months trying to get to your first thousand listeners. Maybe take you six months but stay consistent within that six months to get your first thousand listeners. You can start to make money is the key.

5: Membership Community

Next up we’ve got to create passive income through some type of membership Community. If you want access to my super ultra secret-only fans to account comment down below. Seriously though getting started with creating a membership Community is super easy. Unless you plan on building an entire website from scratch setting up a Patreon or something else.

Similar is very easy to do simply go to the website and sign up that’s it. For that reason, I’m gonna give this a 1 out of 5 on the amount of upfront work needed. The real question though is how difficult is it to build up a $100 per month. The passive income stream from a membership community and like many of the passive income ideas on this list.

Once again it depends if you have an existing audience already. Then it’s going to be much easier for you to build up a membership Community. Because you can just direct your audience to join your membership Community. They’re interested in that extra value. You’re starting from scratch though as you don’t have any type of existing audience. Then that’s a different story.

Let’s use an example imagine for a second that you have a passion for creating. I don’t know a homemade birdhouse. You post content here on YouTube and Tick Tock and Instagram for free. Your goal is to funnel people into your Patreon account. Perhaps your only fans page is from your social media accounts and on your Patreon page.

There’s a membership option where people can pay like ten dollars per month to get exclusive access. Behind the scenes to how you build your birdhouses or something like that in this situation. You could just get 10 people to sign up for your Patreon. Well, my friend there you go you are now earning $100 per month in passive income.

Now of course we enter the same dilemma of this. Isn’t truly passive income, right? Everything there is going to be a little bit of upfront work before you can start earning passive income on the back end.

How difficult is it to earn $100 per month in passive income?

Obviously and I keep going back to this because it’s true. If you have an existing audience already. This is probably going to be like a 2 or 1 out of 5. But if you don’t already have an audience then you would have to figure out some way to give people a reason to want to join some type of membership community that you created.

Finally how hard is it to maintain this passive income Source?

I would say this is a two out of five it would just be a matter of you continue continuing to provide value over and over again.

6: Digital products

You know create something that people are willing to pay money for the next passive income idea is selling digital products. Many of you already know that we talk about digital products. I a lot on this channel and that’s because I truly believe it’s one of the best ways. Nowadays to make money online and when I say digital products.

I’m referring to a variety of things photography music ebooks creative resources like fonts website templates printables presentation templates. And much much more the reason digital products are such a perfect passive income idea is that, unlike physical products.

Where you have to make the product ship it buy inventory and deal with the hassle of organizing. All your supply and materials digital products don’t require any of that.

How much upfront work is required for this passive income idea?

Well, it depends on the type of digital product. You’re selling but for the most part, it is going to require you to have either a phone or a computer as well as either some previous experience building some type of digital product or a willingness to learn.

So how much upfront work?

Well, I would say a little bit but not a lot I’m going to give this a 2.5. Because it depends on the type of product. You’re selling for example if you want to sell fonts or you want to sell presentation templates right? Going to require a little bit of work upfront for you to make those templates before you can sell them.

And then how difficult is it to earn $100 per month in passive income with this idea?

Well, I’m gonna give this a 1.5 out of 5. Honestly, it’s super easy Once you can get a good product listed on one of these websites like Creative Market or Etsy.

Finally how difficult is it to maintain this passive income stream?

I’m going to give this uh also a one out of five as we keep on talking about a lot of these ideas. Once the thing is built once you’ve got to know some momentum on that thing. It’ll be pretty easy to maintain that momentum as long as you continue to build new products.

Find ways to innovate and be competitive in the market. But once these products are listed online. Theoretically, they’re on the internet forever and they’ll continue to sell indefinitely.

7: Online Courses

Next up are online courses. Technically this is a type of digital product but in my opinion, it’s worth talking about this passive income idea by itself. Selling online courses can be done in one of two ways.

The first way is by building up an audience on YouTube Tick Tock Instagram. All these social media platforms build up an audience and then create a course around it. What your audience might be interested in and then selling that course to your audience for those people who might be interested in the additional value. If you don’t have an online audience there are still websites like skill share and Udemy.

Lets you sell your courses to an existing audience on those platforms. These course websites get hundreds of millions of visits per month. So by creating your course and selling it on these sites. You open yourself up to potentially getting millions of views on your course and thousands of potential sales. So the first question is how much upfront work is required.

I’m going to give this a 4 out of 5. Because there’s going to be a lot of work upfront for you to create the courses on a specific topic. But once it’s created things get exponentially easier. For example how difficult is it to consistently earn $100 per month in passive income by selling courses online?

Well, skillshare says that on average teachers can make between two hundred and three thousand dollars per month. Which is way beyond that $100 threshold. For that reason, I’m gonna give making $100 consistently 1 out of 5. If you want to maintain that passive income stream with this passive income Source.

Once again in my opinion this is an easy 1 out of 5. Because once that course is created. There is no additional work that you have to do now. If you want to make more money then, of course, you would have to go and create new courses and things like that.

If you were happy with just the minimum $100 per month in passive income then I think it’s easy to do by selling just one course on one of these websites. Honestly, you’ll probably be able to earn a lot more than just $100 per month.

8: Real Estate

The last passive income idea is real estate. I’m specifically referring to physical real estate like you know rental properties Airbnb duplexes. Where you live on one side of the house and a tenant lives on the other side. Of course, there are other ways to earn passive income with real estate. For example, you could buy REITs or you could invest in real estate through crowdsourcing on sites like fundraising.

This idea we’re only talking about is physical real estate because at the end of the day. Although it does require a lot more work than you know REITs and crowdsourcing sites. Physical real estate is going to pay you a lot more money and you have the benefit of owning an actual physical property that can appreciate. For starters how much upfront work is required for this passive income idea?

Well, it’s a 5 out of 5. For most people buying physical real estate is a very long and tedious process that involves multiple moving parts. When it’s time to time to run out of the property even if you have a property management company managing the property for you. It’s still going to work.

However because of all the upfront work and all the upfront Capital that you would have to invest. You know get this thing off the ground earning $100 per month. Passive income is going to be extremely easy a 1 out of 5 on the scale. The average renter in the US pays a little bit over thirteen hundred dollars per month for rent now of course.

There will be costs like obviously, you have to pay for the mortgage. You know taxes Insurance those types of things but even after all those expenses. Most landlords are left with $100 or more in profit each month. Finally how hard is it to maintain this passive income stream? Well, I would say it’s going to be 1 out of 5. Because all you have to do is just not sell the property and make sure that you’re being competitive with your renting rate. Your property stays rented without any gaps.

Typically if you’re working with a property management company. They’re gonna be the ones who are doing the research and trying to figure it out. What the most competitive rates are for the rent in your area aside from that though? There’s not much work that you have to do to maintain the property aside from the occasional.

Main maintenance and the occasional repairs but of course, you can always outsource that work as well. Many times property management companies will do that for you. And you can just keep the process as passive as possible.

I appreciate every single one of you. I mean that and I hope that you have a beautiful rest of your day. I will see you again very soon take care

