Five Ways About Learning Can Blogging Be A Full-Time Job Today

Learn how blogging can be a full-time job for you

Parvaiz Yousuf
Easy Money Making
4 min readJul 11, 2022


In the event that you wish to establish a business but lack the financial means, you might begin by blogging. When it comes to running a blog, you need to know a lot more than simply how to write; you also need to know how to market and sell your blog online.

The art of content marketing can be learned through blogging. The success of some businesses can be attributed solely to content marketing. You can also use your content marketing talents to establish a future business; I know folks who have taken up blogging full-time.

Find your niche

Every issue is too broad for anyone to cover in-depth. Because there are already so many books and blogs out there, you may assume that no one will read yours. Yes, if your content speaks to their concerns and you are able to provide the solutions, people will be interested.

To begin with, you must feel at ease with the subject. Additionally, you should have a strong desire to continue your education and share your knowledge in the field. Everything from cooking to parenting to marketing to finance to travel to product development to the language of software can be topics of discussion.

Choosing a broad subject is not enough. Before you begin writing, you need to know who your target audience is and what problem you intend to solve with your blog. If you’re writing about parenting, you should focus on mothers of infants, toddlers, and teens. Toddler mothers will find little value in useful content for infants’ mothers.

Get inspired

Almost no one can do anything fresh. Why is that? The lack of motivation and inspiration may be to blame. Try new activities and get out of your comfort zone. You have nothing to lose if you don’t succeed with blogging. Whether or not you pursue blogging as a full-time career, you may always continue to blog part-time to maintain your interest in the hobby.

Test your Minimum Viable Product

It is now time to get started with your blog. The first step is testing.

WordPress may be installed for as little as $15, and a domain name can be purchased. Learning how to use the plugins and theme options may take several days. In the meanwhile, you may lose your momentum.

Begin writing as soon as you finish reading this or as soon as you finish this article. Open an account on a free writing platform such as Medium or Blogger and start posting.

Once you’ve completed your first article, press the publish button. What did you miss out on, exactly? Nothing.

Additional advantages come from experimenting with your blog on open-source writing platforms.

1. Don’t worry about the complexities of the technical setup.

2. Hosting and themes are free of charge.

3. Get ready for a start-up audience. These sites use tags and your article’s popularity to promote it to their audience. Your popularity increases the number of times you are promoted. It’s all part of a chain.

4. Influencers can help spread the word about your content by sharing it on their own social media accounts.

5. All of your article stats are free to use.

Some negatives include that you don’t own the name, can’t make money by displaying adverts, and can’t customize your site. However, with the first article, this shouldn’t be an issue. Compared to the benefits of launching a free blog, these disadvantages pale. Your hosted blog is the next step after gaining enough self-confidence.

Learn how to make money

People are more concerned about how they can make money from their sites. Is it possible that showing adverts will irritate your audience? In order to cover the costs, how much traffic is necessary? How else can I make money with my blog?

Initially, you should concentrate on gaining a following of ardent supporters. Once your site receives a significant number of monthly visits (let’s say 1,00,000), you should begin investigating revenue streams.

Once you know what your target market wants, you can develop a monetization strategy that works for you. Additionally, you can make money by doing things like affiliate marketing, selling products straight to your audience, getting them to complete surveys and write reviews, publishing sponsored content, or even just consulting (once you become a domain expert, people may seek your guidance)

You should learn the basics of marketing

I hope you find your passion and give MVP a try. Even if you decide to relocate the blog to its own domain, you will have difficulty attracting regular visitors. Bloggers fail because they don’t know how to do this. They produce excellent content, yet their blog receives only average traffic.

A successful blogger must understand the fundamentals of marketing. There are a plethora of marketing blogs out there that cover anything from the fundamentals to more advanced topics. I’m a fan of QuickSprout, CopyBlogger, and ProBlogger, all of which are run by Neil Patel.

I’m a fan of the blogs at Buffer, HubSpot, Groove, and Moz, to name a few. Many topics are covered, including content marketing, SEO, social media, productivity, growth hacks, and more.

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Parvaiz Yousuf
Easy Money Making

A master’s in zoology, science journalist and a flexible author. Here, I help people with earning money. Our other blogs: