How Can We Create Money-Making Website?

There are several methods for earning money from your website, but they all rely on its market. Not every technique functions on every website.

Awais gill
Easy Money Making
2 min readDec 4, 2022


make your website eligible for generate money online by your website
Photo by Ibrahim Rifath on Unsplash

By utilizing 8 these methods you can earn money from your website. Making money ways for your website. 8 easy-earning money ways to generate passive income from websites.

How to Earn Money From A Website

The finest techniques to monetize your website are listed below:

  1. Adsense by Google: (you can rank your website according to your niche keywords with good search volume, get traffic and you will apply for Google Adsense to make money)
  2. Cost per action: CPA, is used by many websites that require us to fill out a survey in order to view all content. If your website has any worthwhile content, you can also use CPA.
  3. Affiliate Promotion: (Write reviews about products, digital items, courses, etc relevant to your niche and ask users to buy that product from your affiliate link)
  4. Ad banners: (Display banner ads on your website of other companies, and you will charge for placing the ads)
  5. Guest Articles: (Enabling guest posts on your website and demanding publishers to pay for articles)
  6. Niche: (Create backlinks from your website to other websites)
  7. Model of Subscription: (Make a subscription model on your website to get access to premium content or forum on your website)
  8. Request donations: (Get Donations From Your Users.)

Here are a few ways to make money from your website, but again, it all relies on your interests and the specialty of your website.

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