Stop desperately running after money — take a break to enjoy the moment!

Volcano Personality
Easy Money Making
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2022

As many of you already saw, the topics that have most reads on Medium are the money making ones. It’s a bit sad, because there’s more to this life than money — yes, money can provide a certain level of comfort but it doesn’t buy happiness.

— Stop running after money and take a break to enjoy the moment! —

Cartoonish drawing of a man running after money up to his grave
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The Desperation Phase #MoneyMaking

It’s usually when you believe you have it all under control — but, it’s just an impression.. a bad one!

In the desperation phase, you might find yourself spending hours and hours each day trying to find ways to increase your earnings. Why I say this is bad? Because mostly it’s a waste of time, as you’re not thinking straight!

What happens when you don’t think straight? You end up making bad decisions — and those bad decisions sometimes cost money.

My advice is, no matter the field you looking to “join” in order to make money, spend at least 1–2 weeks researching. Do not make any decisions while researching. After research is finished and you gained more knowledge in general about the topic you’re interested, then it’s recommended to head into decision making process. Otherwise, there are many “bad situations” you can end up in: wasting time on stuff that won’t add value to your work or even get scammed.

Research word highlighted from a bunch of words
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Another aspect that happens frequently in “The Desperation Phase” is the missing correlation between time, tasks and return of investment. What I mean by this? Basically that you need a well-thought plan before starting to put in the work. Let’s say for example purposing that the work is writing articles to earn some extra money. Do not think that if you just work-hard and write a bunch of articles, you will somehow be rewarded. It doesn’t work like that, or even if it does, the percentage (%) is very low for those that succeed.

This is why you need a plan. I usually ask myself all kinds of questions and then I search the best answers. A good example of questions on the writing articles topic would be: what do I write about?, where do I publish what I write?, who is my audience for the type of content I’m writing? and the list can go on..

Beware of online scams

What’s the most important thing you need to remember on the topic of online scams? The moment they ask for money — it’s when you say NO! I suggest you get out of that deal.

Funny meme of a man arming a gun after being asked for money
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Now, pause! Think back a bit: was this deal what you were looking for? Most probably not! Hopefully, you were looking for ways to make money by “investing” your time, not your money. So learn to say NO — it’s sometimes beneficial.

There are tons of ways you can get scammed, but what’s common in all of them is the “asking for money part” — so this should be your trigger for “something’s not right”! You don’t need to find out what is not right, you just need to be smart enough to know when to get away.

R.E.L.A.X. — Remember the word?

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Volcano Personality
Easy Money Making

— I’ve got the personality of a volcano — — I’m bold & realistic — — I write about games — Try me & read my work!