Lemons For Life

Published in
1 min readAug 7, 2014


The simple habit of drinking a daily glass of lemon water will go a long way in looking after your insides as well as the outsides. Lemon juice squeezed into a glass of water will give your body a mini-detox by helping the liver to produce enzymes while the vitamin C produces collagen, a protein responsible for cell growth and skin repair. A glass of lemon water will also improve your digestion, as it is a natural diuretic, relieving constipation. Furthermore, the lovely lemon is the friend of the immune system, as it is full of antioxidants and potassium, which invigorate nerve and brain function so if you are having a lull in your day, lean into some lemon juice instead of a cup of twitchy caffeine.




Raw Food Teacher, Coach and Wine Expert. Enhancing the quality of life with raw food & wine.