What to Do With a Turnip or Rutabaga

I don’t expect that you have one by choice.

Julie Moreno
Easy Seasonal Recipes


Photo taken by the author

There are some root vegetables in the brassica family that people have been scared away from.

Radishes are common and have made their name in the farming world because they grow fast. But, because of their bad reputation, many people have never encountered turnips or rutabagas.

And, from my own experience, if you have eaten one, it was because someone older than you told you to. Or perhaps, your Community Supported Agriculture box sent them to you.

These vegetables all grow underground. And, are related to broccoli, cabbage and kale.

I’ve spent years convincing people to eat them, based on the fact that they are a better choice in the winter when potatoes are out of season.

But if you are ready to see what these root vegetables have to offer, these are the recipes to start cooking.

The Simplest Recipes

Even though root vegetables are usually cooked, they show off their natural sugars when eaten raw. Add them to salads and or create this non-cabbage slaw.

Turnip Slaw

This recipe works with rutabagas and radishes too. For rutabagas, peel them first. For radishes, you will

