Easy Video Solutions Review & Huge Bonus Package

Robben san
Easy Video Solutions Review
7 min readJul 31, 2014

Easy Video Solutions Information

. Vendor: Omar Martin
. Product: Easy Video Solutions
. Launch Date: 2014-07-31
. Launch Time: 10:00 EST
. Front-End Price: $37
. Discount: available now (Discount Link)

>>> Click here to Get Easy Video Solutions with special offer Now <<<

Here’s what you’ll learn inside Easy Video Solutions

  • A Tutorial on how to capture awesome looking sales videos with your smartphone.
  • The keys to proper lighting for that crisp white background apple style video.
  • A thorough video editing lesson that even an 8 year old can master.
  • A Behind the scenes look at their cheap equipment and budget garage studio.
  • 4 Step By Step video creation modules that will demystify the process.
  • 500 professional voice over clips
  • A dozen exiting movie trailer style text animations.
  • Over 60 background music tracks.
  • LIVE recording lessons, out takes and walk through’s.
  • Resource links and secret tools that make video creation quick and EASY.

There’s a ton of resources in this members area but what I like best is that it’s quick and EASY.

See Easy Video Solutions in action


1. Offline Marketing Madness

A smart business person takes advantage of all that offline marketing has to offer. As more and more businesses direct their marketing efforts into Internet channels, they often neglect more traditional and proven marketing venues.

With more of your competition’s marketing focus directed online, this allows you to benefit from their mistake and sweep up some of their market share.

2. Offline Business Traffic Strategies

Learn the top traffic secrets for your offline business!

Just because you run an offline, business doesn’t mean you don’t want to have a solid online presence. This book will show you how to make your dream come true and make your offline business boom!

3. 123 Logo Kit

123 Logo Kit will solve all those problems that every internet marketer and business owners are facing right now.

Get instant access to 38 eye-popping, ready-made logos you can use for your next product or business! Simply choose a logo, customize and you’re done!

4. SalesLetter Titans

Grab the most unique 100 sales letters targeting 100 of the most lucrative niches in the world!

This package is so massive that we’ve broken them down into 10 components! Here’s the overview:

100 Sales Letters, 100 Squeeze Pages, 50 Promo Emails, Set of JV Letters, High Converting Sales Letter Graphics, Mastery Of Words Copywriting Education, Guarantee Pages, Order Pages, Testimonial Pages, Niche List

5. Super Graphics Pack

Download these 1,926 HD marketing graphics and give your marketing effort a big boost shooting your conversions to the roof.

These pack includes Arrows, Backgrounds, Banners and Placeholders, Bullets and Markers, Buttons, Devices, Graphs, Handrawn Lines, Icons, Line Dividers, Memes, Payment Icons, Ribbons, Social Media Icons, Stamps and Tags, World Map, and Others

6. List Magic

Discover the exact formula for adding 1,000 brand new subscribers to your list in the next 30 days! If you want to build a new set of responsive email subscriber, then the video series inside will give you the whole details which will really help your business grow.

This package includes Audios, Guide, Mindmap, Videos and Graphics

7. WP Advert Plugin

This WordPress plugin offers 30 promotional toolbars packed into 1 simple user interface! Add an Eye Catching Bar to catch the attention of your visitors in your WordPress site using this Plugin.

You can display the Notification Message on this Bar for Members/Guests, Display in Home Page/All, etc

8. WP Profiteer

WP Profiteer is a handy WordPress plugin that captures lost profits on your blogs. It does this by redirecting the 404 Error Pages that your visitors encounter, to any URL you select, instantly. Your visitors will never even see the error page!

9. WP Sales Bar Plugin

This WordPress plugin gives you an eyeball-grabbing notification toolbar that will boost your conversions!

Use this to promote affiliate offers, your own products or just direct traffic to squeeze pages and other landing pages of choice.

10. Exit Profiter Software

Exit Profiter — Get your exit pop on any web page that you share! And make money from any and every link you create. Imagine being able to drop your exit popper onto any web page, piggy-backing off their authority

And leading the visitor to your squeeze page, product sales page, affiliate link, CPA offer, TeeSpring store, Cafe Press store, Lulu store, or in fact any web page you like!

11. FB Ad Secrets

Grab this done for you Sales Funnel featuring Facebook Ad Secrets! A completely done for you sales kit in the red hot Facebook niche!

You are in store for learning all about how to make Facebook a money-making machine for whatever types of products you are selling. This report is going to give you the top converting secrets.

12. Cash from Google Helpouts

Uncover the secrets to making real cash from home by helping people out using Google’s amazing new program Google Helpouts!

Find out the insider secrets to creating powerfully compelling Helpouts that will pull cash in over and over again!

13. Local Marketing Secrets

This 17-part video course will show you the simplest and fastest way to dive headfirst into local marketing to local businesses.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never built a website or landed a paying client in your life! The electricians, tree services, sub-contractors, and the like that I know personally don’t know a lick about computers or the internet in general. If you can build a drop-dead simple website, then you can get paid for it over and over again like clockwork.

14. Facebook Timeline Cover

Stand from the Crowd on Facebook Using this Cool and Eye-Grabbing Timeline Cover!

Inside this package, you will immediately receive 15 timeline cover image and its screenshots on how it actually looks like in your facebook page.

>> Click Here To Check Huge Bonus Package N° 1<<

>> Click Here To Check Huge Bonus Package N° 2<<

1 : Get Easy Video Solutions by Clicking here to download it now
2: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at: johnknight.e@gmail.com
3: You will receive all Your bonus within 24 hours

>> Download Easy Video Solutions With Huge Bonus Package <<

