Cultural Diversity at Easygo

Published in
2 min readDec 17, 2020

If you have read many of our other blog posts, you know that Culture is huge for us. This extends beyond how we interact with one another. Our focus on Culture is about who we are as a team, how we impact our world, and how being a part of Easygo influences our people.

Pure Diversity, Mirta Toledo 1993

Here at Easygo, we are culturally diverse, with staff from all over the world working closely together. We capitalise on our differences, embracing our unique backgrounds.

Our head-office team, currently numbering less than 30, consists of World-Class talent from Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, North Korea, The Philippines, India, China, The United States of America, Canada, The United Kingdom, Spain, The Czech Republic, and Germany.

Additionally, our wider company includes talent based in The US and Serbia.

Cultural diversity creates so much value in the workplace, but there are also challenges, too. We like to make the most of what we have and welcome the opportunity to learn how to work with one another!

It’s tricky to describe how and why we are so diverse. We don’t actively go out of our way to bring in people who identify with any specific culture. However, we are intentionally inclusive, supportive, and flexible, which harmonises cultural diversity.

Cultural diversity inspires creativity and drives innovation. Combining different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences encourages our teams to maximise output and enhances their ideas. Pair this with a diverse skill base, and we have a platform to provide better products and services to our customers. We feel that drawing on a wide talent pool allows us to attract and retain the very best people, and we love the diverse team that we have assembled here at Easygo.

