How To: Find Your Motivation

Jess Lyons
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2020

5 things you can actively do to find your get up and go.

As you’d expect, the startup world is full of self starters, and Easygo is no different.

Our team is made up of an innovative bunch who were either self starters when they joined us, or have become exactly that. With our new age management style, each person on the team has been brought on board for their specific skills, and we trust them to do their thing.

One thing to remember is that everybody is different, and what motivates you might be different to the person next to you. Knowing yourself is key, knowing what makes you feel good and what your weaknesses are is a must-have for becoming self motivated.

Being in Melbourne, we’re still in isolation, and as a result it can be even harder than normal to find that inner spark to get you bouncing out of bed in the morning.

So, what can you actively do to become this driven, energised, go-getter that you want to be?

Create good habits

Believe it or not, it’s easier than it sounds. Start simple, pick something that works for you and stick to it for 30 days.

  • Get up at 7am
  • Drink 2L of water
  • Practice mindfulness or gratitude
  • Create a to-do list
  • Start walking

What’s any of that got to do with finding motivation?

Sticking to a habit, good or bad, sets the foundations of your life. If you’re feeling good about yourself, and you’re feeling physically and mentally healthy, you’ll be more inclined to have a good work day.

Set achievable goals

Setting unachievable goals is a one way street to disappointment. It can lead to feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and not good enough. Everyone needs aspirations, but you also need to learn to be comfortable not meeting those expectations.

When we experience even the smallest success, our brain releases dopamine, which fuels motivation. Start small, work your way up. Starting your day with a checklist of all the things you want to achieve that day is the easiest way to ensure a productive day.

This activity will help you learn to celebrate the little wins.

Here’s a look into an average Monday:

  • Walk the dog
  • 30 minutes of yoga
  • Call Dad
  • Plan my week
  • Reply to emails
  • Team zoom meeting 3pm

As your day goes on, refer back to your list and check things off as you go. If you don’t get around to doing something, pop it on tomorrow’s list.

Get other areas of your life in order

Having a clean working space, a clean car, and a tidy home are severely underrated for your mental health. Not having the weight of other responsibilities in the back of your mind allows you to concentrate on what you’re doing and level up your daily motivation.

Why not spend tonight sorting out your budget or getting your email inbox cleaned up?

Know your weaknesses

Not everything is going to work for you, there are some things that you may not enjoy, or things you may not be good at. That is perfectly fine! Self awareness is a big part of knowing where to find your motivation.

If you know that yoga isn’t your thing, don’t try to make it work!

Learn how to handle discomfort

The truth is, sometimes you’re not going to be motivated to do a single thing. It’s not the end of the world, learning how to feel uncomfortable and manage yourself and your emotions is what self starters do.

Take time away from your desk, be kind to yourself, take a walk, have a coffee, scream into a pillow, eat something delicious and try again later.

