The email template that got us 20% response rate in B2B

Nitin Bajaj
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2018
Source: Unsplash

Cold email response rate usually are in the range of 1–2% but continuous improvements and A/B test helped us get 20% response rate.

This is no magic, its all experiment and iterations.

There were 4 sequences in the email campaign. First email followed by follow-up emails.

First email at day 0

Subject Line: @firstName, quick question



I wanted to give you a quick shout to introduce EasyLeadz , a new BOT that works like your B2B inside sales assistant.

It researches right companies at right time, find decision makers and automatically send them email or connections requests over linkedin.

Let me know if this is something you are interested in?


Takeaways from this template:

  • Don’t use misleading subject lines.
  • Always keep your content super short and sweet. Your target accounts don’t have time to read lengthy emails.
  • Always have a call to action like we had in last line : Let me know if this is something you are interested in? — most people don’t mention what they want their prospect to do.

First Follow up email after 2 days

Most people reply you on 2nd or 3rd follow-ups and yet we always just send one email and expect our prospects to reply us.

This is why follow-ups are super critical to ensure a better response rate.

We kept a gap of 2 days from first email.

Subject line: Looking for a sales contact in @companyName


Hi @firstName,

I wanted to contact someone in @companyName who looks after Sales Development. We have launched a new tool that works like your B2B inside sales assistant.

It researches right companies at right time, find decision makers and automatically send them email or connections requests over linkedin.

Microsoft, UBER, 99Tests, Amazon, VYOM labs are already using our platform.

Are you the right person at @companyName to talk to about this?


Takeaways from this follow up email:

  • Mention some reference customer names like we added Microsoft, 99Tests, Amazon. This helps you build credibility and improves response rates.
  • Our subject line ask user about who is the right contact in the organisation. So even if the person we were targeting was not the right person that person connected us to the right person. That’s the whole point.
  • Always, always, always have a call to action. In our case it was :- Are you the right person to talk about this?

Second follow up after 4 days

We added second follow up email that was automatically triggered to the prospect if they don’t reply you back in previous emails.

Subject: Quick — Can we talk?


Hi @firstName,

I know you’re super busy, but wanted to see if you were the right person to talk to regarding improving sales at @companyName.

Can I show you how our AI assistant can double your sales/leads productivity?

Shall we setup a time to chat?


Takeaways from this email:

  • Subject line is super short, no BS.
  • Email body is super short and it mentions that we know you are busy, basically telling someone hey can you find 2 seconds from your time to just say yes or no.

Third follow up after 7 days

Last follow up was sent after 7 days from the first email.

Subject: @firstName, need more productivity in sales?


Hi @firstName,

Can I show you how our AI assistant can double your sales/leads productivity?

Our product is proven to offer these improvements:

  • 40% increase in sales opportunities.
  • 70% increase in finding decision makers emails.
  • 40% increase in response rates.
  • 60% reduction in time spent on sales prospecting.

Compelling, isn’t it?

If you confirm a time on my calendar for next week, I will prove to you in black and white how I can increase your B2B sales productivity by at least 30–35%!

What do you say?


Takeaways from this email:

  • It gives a quick snapshot of what our product can do and how it can solve their problem instead of just selling it upfront with all features.
  • Call to action has direct calendar link that helps prospects to book a call with me directly, thus improving response rates.

Hope this helps :)



Nitin Bajaj

Founder EasyLeadz. B2B sales on auto pilot mode using growth signals.