EasyPHP Newsletter
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2015

A brand new and super useful module for EasyPHP Devserver : Codiad Web IDE. Forget your code editor !


Codiad was built with simplicity in mind, allowing for fast, interactive development without the massive overhead of some of the larger desktop editors. That being said even users of IDE’s such as Eclipse, NetBeans and Aptana are finding Codiad’s simplicity to be a huge benefit. While simplicity was key, we didn’t skimp on features and have a team of dedicated developer actively adding more.

  • Support for 40+ languages
  • Plugin Library
  • Error checking & notifications
  • Mutliple user support
  • Editor screen splitting
  • LocalStorage redundancy
  • Advanced searching tools
  • Smart auto-complete
  • Real-Time Collaborative editing
  • Over 20 Syntax color themes
  • Completely Open-Source
  • Easily customized source
  • Runs on your own server
  • Quick-Download backups
  • Maximum editor screen space
  • i18n Language Support


Codiad consists of three panels; a left panel which houses the file manager and active files, center panel which is where editors reside, and a right panel which contains system and other controls. The right & left side panels collapse providing maximum real-estate to the editor.

Source : Codiad website

Codiad as a module for EasyPHP Devserver

EasyPHP Modules

The module parse your environment and propose the “local web” and your alias as working directories. Select the one you want to work on.

Select your workspace

Once opened, Codiad will list automatically your folders. You can browse folders and sub folders, edit files, save changes…


You can also create new files and folder directly with Codiad, rename them, preview your code, upload files…

No need from now on to launch your favourite code editor (Sublime, Notepad++…), everything is now available in your development environment.



EasyPHP Newsletter

CODE & HOST : develop with Devserver and setup your own hosting server with Webserver. EasyPHP is a WAMP package since 1999.