Know your soil -the soil jar test

Maya Ganesh
Eat Your School Garden
Dec 2, 2020

A simple soil test to know what percentage of your soil is sand, silt and clay, can be done by filling a third of a glass jar with soil and enough water to almost fill the jar. Close the lid and shake the jar. Let it sit on a flat surface like a table for at least 30 mins.

Sand is the heaviest and will settle at the bottom.

Silt will be the next layer.

Clay is the smallest particle and will be the top layer.

If there is organic matter in the soil sample, it will float on the surface of the water.

Anchan S, 6 C

More Sand and Silt and Less Clay; Some organic matter

Deepshika Jeyasankar, 6 A

More sand and silt, less clay; a good amount of organic matter floating on top

Roshini Suganthan, 6 C

Three different soils with three differing compositions of sand, silt, clay and organic matter



Maya Ganesh
Eat Your School Garden

Research Interests: School Garden Pedagogies, Urban Agriculture in the Global South, Rural-Urban Linkages, Children and the Environment.