High-protein secret sauce for any and all tacos.

Brian Perez
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018
Letters are fun. Made with my iPad Pro.

Greek yogurt is a great thing.

Before you check out of this article because I said greek yogurt, pull up your grown-up pants.

It’s kinda like tomatoes…

Me: Do you like tomatoes?

You: No, gross. I only like them on my burgers…


So you like tomatoes…

Why? Because when combined with food they compliment what your are eating. This is the same thing. Except, I would argue it’s even better than a tomato and burger experience. If you are eh about the thought of greek yogurt, don’t fret. Try it. If I fed you this sauce on a fish taco without telling you what it is, you would be like…

You: What is this stuff?!

Me: Greek yogurt!

You: I thought I hated greek yogurt, but now I like it!


Here it is, superrrrr simple:

  1. Greek yogurt
  2. Taco seasoning
  3. Lime

Boom. A delicious sauce packed with protein.


Gotta lace those shells up!

The seasoning and lime will punch a lot of flavor into this combination. You will be mind-blown. Also, if you like hot stuff, you can squirt some sriracha in there too 🔥.

The Original

If you want the “not so healthy” version of the original secret sauce creation, it would be:

  1. 50% sour cream
  2. 50% cream cheese
  3. Taco seasoning
  4. Lime

Here’s what it looks like:

Before mixing

Left: 50% sour cream 50% cream cheese | Right: Greek Yogurt

After mixing

Left: 50% sour cream 50% cream cheese | Right: Greek Yogurt

Hope you like it!

Follow my Facebook and Instagram for more eating, burning, and eating. ❤️



Brian Perez

Brian is a designer, not really a writer. However, he loves food enough to say something about it. Sharing recipes, bold flavors, how to’s, why do’s, & more.