How to like oatmeal with one simple, overlooked, instruction.

Brian Perez
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2018
It was almost a one liner, but had to pick up the pencil to finish the bowl. Made with Procreate.

Don’t be that person that doesn’t eat something because it looks gross or funny. Oh, it feels weird in your mouth, I get that… (not really) …but do not NOT eat something because it looks gross. It could be holding you back from some great tasting experiences. I’m also just prepping you for this simple trick to like oatmeal once and for all.

“How to love oatmeal” usually looks like…

“Dump pecans, brown sugar, strawberries, blueberries, Granola, chocolate nibs, heaping scoops of peanut butter…”

800 calories for breakfast later…

yea, no. I’m just trying to like simple, oatmeal… the kind you microwave for a minute and get out the door.

If that’s you…

It doesn’t have to be so damn complicated. Please try this. Then, if you still don’t like oatmeal… stop eating it, trying to eat it, no one can save you.

Do this.

  1. Cook your oatmeal of choice. (This is my favorite, only 100 Cals)
  2. Grab a banana (the browner, the sweeter)
  3. Mash your banana with a spoon.
  4. Mix into oatmeal…

“Wait, what… that’s it? But Brian, I’ve tried oatmeal with sliced bananas and….”


5. Eat it.

Mash ittttttttttttttttttttt
Looks gross, but it will change your oatmeal experience for life. It did for me at least.

If you do actually get around to trying it. Please let me know how it goes. Shoot me an email, DM on instagram, picture for proof. Your honest opinion is appreciated here. I do hope this saves you from your oatmeal disease.

Now you don’t have to be too boring. Some simple adds to make this banana-oat-mashed-oatmeal more bomb:

  • PB2 powder
  • Cinnamon
  • Half scoop of whey protein. If you’re into that sort of thing.



Brian Perez

Brian is a designer, not really a writer. However, he loves food enough to say something about it. Sharing recipes, bold flavors, how to’s, why do’s, & more.