Want stronger legs? Here is a lower routine. Three days a week. 4 Weeks.

Brian Perez
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018
Probably my best figure drawing. Made with Procreate.

This routine sprouted due to a shoulder injury that convinced me I’d get fat if I didn’t move (I love food. I sit all day at a computer.) All movements where my left arm moved away from my center or was overhead hurt. So I decided to take advantage of recovery time on my upper body to destroy my lower body.

I wanted a variety of load, explosiveness, and cardio. Most importantly, the workouts needed to work in a way that allowed enough recovery for the next. It’s probably not a prefect routine. But it’s simple. I love simple.

Snippets from B Workout

Workout A

Warm up, don’t be stupid. Skip, jump, butt kickers, the boring stuff.

  1. Barbell Back Squats x7 — Work to heavy, then drop and end in high rep range, low weight.

2. DB Walking Lunges x4

3. Glute-ham Raises x4

4. Weighted Side Lunges x4

5. Weighted Calf Raises x4

6. 2 min Body Weight Squats — As many as possible in 2 min.

7. 15 Min Assault Bike — If you still got gas, get in your cardio.

B Workout

Warm up: 10 Jump from knees to feet + vertical jump — 4 rounds

Sumo Deadlift x7 — Work to heavy, then drop and end in a rep range you can control.

Front Foot Elevated DB Split Squat x4 — Slow.

DB Step Back Lunges x4

Conditioning: Alternate 30 Box Jumps and 30 Sit Ups—Complete 3 Rounds

Snippets of C Workout. Had to revert to back squats because FS’s were too much pressure on the bad shoulder. Went through the new Underoath album on this one. Im a fan… See @ :21 And I totally forgot the step ups and calves. 🙄

C Workout

Warm Up: Pistol Squats x4

Front Squats x5

Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift x4

Barbell Step Up x4

Glute-ham raises x4

Calves x4

Farmers Carry Medly — 50 Yard, drop set 80,60,40.

15min Assault Bike — If you still got gas, get in your cardio.


4 weeks

Monday — A workout

Tuesday — Rest or do something not leg related.

Wednesday — B Workout

Thursday — Rest

Friday — C Workout

Saturday/Sunday — Don’t drink too much beer.



Brian Perez

Brian is a designer, not really a writer. However, he loves food enough to say something about it. Sharing recipes, bold flavors, how to’s, why do’s, & more.